29 Ekim 2015 Perşembe

     According to our results of observation, the language the teacher focuses  on is target language. Although the teacher uses the target language well, students often use their mother tongue and sometimes they don’t answer or they answer in L1.
    Firstly , english teachers have used Grammar Translation Method for years, so these students at our observation school have got accustomed to this method. They expect to translate something from target language into their mother tongue. Thus, they have difficulty in understanding what the teacher said in the target language. They have limited vocabulary knowledge because they focus on just grammar not to make mistakes while they are speaking. They have tendency to translate everything which they hear. Contrary to GTM , the teacher uses Direct Method. There must be interaction between students and teacher in direct method . First language is forbidden in this method. The students always want to speak in first language and try to find the relationship between second language and their first language during the lesson , so the communication between students and teacher doesn’t emerge.. In that , some conflicts occur in classroom atmosphere.
     Secondly, there aren’t enough activity on skills like speaking and listening for improving their communicative competence. They focus on TEOG exam although their book includes many speaking and listening activities. In addition, it is debatable whether these activities are authentic or not. Thus, students don’t set relation between  the activities and real life. In that, lesson is not pragmatic because they can’t meet the needs of communication in their lives.

    To sum up, although constructivism have to be used in our education system, direct method is used by our teacher and our students can not adapt themselves to teacher’s method . They expect that the rule of the teacher is like the one in GTM because the teacher is active while the students are passive. However, the teacher is trying to make them active now according to the principles of DM.


26 Ekim 2015 Pazartesi

Report 1

School  Experıence Report
Week 1-2

The Language

In these two weeks, we observe the language use ın the classroom. Our classes that we observe include second grade students.  For the first unıt teacher talks about the cognates (gorillas, hotel, stadium, hamburger…)  In terms of the language use while teaching the first unıt, teacher generally use the mother tongue , she directly gives the meaning  of  the words.  She always uses mother tongue while giving instructions (T: Mavi kitabı açın, bana bakın..). Sometimes she gives the instructions in target language  but at  those times she translates the instructions into them other tongue to make the meaning clear. Instructions are short, easy and clear and appropriate for their level. Students don’t speak much . But when they speak they use mother tongue.
They use target language only when they repeat what teacher says. Teacher uses a kind of whistle to control the class. Because most of the time they make so much noise and don’t listen to the teacher.
For the activities, teacher explains everything about the activity in mother tongue. And students ask their questions in  mother tongue when they don’t understand what teacher says. And again while doing activities she rarely gives the instructions in target language and she translates whatever she says in target language ( open the page 13= sayfa 13’ü açın,  is that cake= bu kek mi?)
In terms of interaction, it is generally between students and the teacher and they use mother tongue. Generally teacher asks the questions and students try to answer. There is no interaction between student and student. Because they don’t  do any activity including group work and pair work
For teaching the cognates teacher uses flashcards as the main activity. With the help of  activity they have an opportunity to speak in English. They ask and answer the questions about the flashcards like ‘What is this? It is a hotel’. They are so enthusiastic to do that activity. The teacher corrects the pronunciation errors immediately while students answer the questions that she ask about the flashcards.

Eda Merva ŞAN

Report 1 - Abubakar Suleiman, Füsun Çeliker

Week 1 & 2
Abubakar Suleiman -2012177150
Füsun Çeliker- 2012177030
4N3- English Language Teaching
2015/2016- Fall Season
Celalettin Sayhan Primary School
Yasemin Özdemir, Yonca Özkan
In our observation experience, we observed the language task and interacions task in the first week and the second week in our practicum. These tasks’ objectives are listed in below:
  • ·       Collecting information about classroom talk, teacher talk and student talk
  • ·        Answering the questions such as ‘Who made the utterance?’, ‘Which language were used?’ and ‘What was the length of the utterances?’.
  • ·        Observing teacher- student interactions,
  • ·        Collecting information about teacher’s question and its type, teacher’s wait time, student’s response, teacher’s feedback and students’ responses to the feedback.

We  would like to draw a general frame what’s going on in our class, the daily routines, the students’ mode, then we would like to answer the questions briefly ‘Who starts the conversations  in the classroom, the length and the kind of the utterances and finally ‘in which language were used?’.
 The teacher started the lesson with a short greeting, then she moved on reminding what they did in the last lesson. She wrote a dialogue on the board, called the students to perform the dialogue, all of the students were interested in. They were alive.
The teacher called two students each time to perform the dialogue:
T: ‘Okay, A. Come here please. B, okay, you go and stand in front of the door. (The students came and read the dialogue silently, then they went to their places.)
S1: (Knocked the door) May I come in?
S2: Yes, you may.
 This dialogue was repeated several times with different students. After this dialogue, the teacher asked a question: ‘May I eat the hamburger?’ and reminded the students giving answers negative.
 She gave chance to the students answer the questions. She gave some situations and asked students to form the question first, using ‘May I ....?’ Then all of the class helped each other forming the questions together, when they needed help, helped them using her gestures and intonations properly.
 Afterwards, she asked them to open their books, page 10. She gave instructions first in English, then Turkish. There were six pictures in the page. The teacher asked them to find the picture says ‘Give me the apple please.’ , then she wrote on the board.
 She didn’t give the Turkish equivalents of the words, asked from students. When she wanted to remember them ‘rubbish’, she went to the rubbish bin. She gave different sentences for same meaning. For example: ‘Hold up your hands/ Raise up your hands.’
To sum up; we can say that the teacher made the most of the utterances in the classroom in greeting, reminding what they did in the last weeks and she directed the activites by giving instructions. Most of the time she used English to conduct classroom, asking questions to the students or giving them commands. When they needed help, the teacher helped them using her gestures or repeating the question or command again. When this tecniques failed, she used Turkish.
The length of the utterances were mainly short. Most of them were less than five words like ‘Please be quiet.’ or ‘Eveet, duyamadım cevabı?’
The students were active and alive, they talked all the time, most of the this talks were in Turkish. But they managed to answer the teacher’s questions in English. Sometimes, they had problems in following commands, but they asked their friends’ help or the teacher helped them.
This task’s objective is listed below:
  •                Observing teacher-student interactions by teacher’s question and its type, teacher’s wait time, students’ response, teacher’s feedback and the students’ response to the feedback.

The teacher started her lesson with a greeting, wanted one of the students clean the board. She gave the instructions in English, the students responded her with ‘yes/no’.
 The teacher asked questions to remind the last weeks lesson. ‘May I take your pencilcase?’ she asked.
‘May I take your sharpener?’
‘May I take your book?’
 She waited a little bit, after each question. When the students couldn’t remember the name of the object, she helped them showing the object or asking a question such as ‘What is a pencilcase?’ to another student, let him say ‘Öğretmenim, kalemkutusu demek.’ With this help, the first student could understand the question and answer it.
 One of the students ate in the classroom, said to him: ‘This is not breakfast time, please put it in your bag.’
 She gave instruction ‘Close your books, open your notebooks.’ One of the students got confused, said: ‘Öğretmenim açalım mı, kapatalım mı?’ She answered in English. At the end, when she saw the students confused, used Turkish.
 She wrote some questions on the board, then asked ‘Kim bu yazdıklarımı anladı?’. She asked this to check understanding. Afterwards she asked: ‘Peki bu sorulara olumlu cevap nasıl verebiliriz?’ Some students gave right answers. She wrote the right answers on board.
‘Yes, you may.’ , ‘Of course.’ , ‘Sure.’ . Then she asked for negative answers.
 ‘No, you may not.’ , ‘Sorry, not right now. ‘ The students wrote these on their notebooks. When she wanted to clean the board, she asked: ‘May I clean the board?’, the students answered: ‘Yes, you may.’
 As a summary; we can say the teacher and the students have a good relationship. She uses English in the classroom, and the students can follow her instructions. She is using questions for two reasons:
  •        Checking understanding (display questions)
  •        Giving examples of real usage

 Most of the time, she waits for the students answer the questions. The students help each other. They are willing to answer the questions. They learn better when they listen answers from their friends. The teacher knows this, she is letting them to teach each other. 

Report 1 / Hilal Cemre Altıparmak - Ozan Berk

 Report 1

Hilal Cemre ALTIPARMAK - Ozan Berk
Week 1&2
School: Celaleattin Sayhan Primary School
 Date: 10.10.2015-17.10.2015 
Class: 4/D - 4/E



We have observed the speeches of the teacher and the students in a fourth grade classroom. We found that the teacher effectively uses target language while teaching new structures and for practice purposes while using Turkish for classroom management and giving complex instructions.

When teacher comes into the classroom she greets the students in English and they answer back in English. After that she talks to the students about real life situations like how they feel that day, how the weather is and so on. She uses English while explaining new grammar structures as well with the help of body language. She asks simple questions like “May I come in”, “May I sit down” by demonstrating them at the same time. In order to reinforce understanding she uses role-playing. She picks a student to ask something to another student in English and that student answer the question in English by using the particular structure as well.  She provides a context during practice in English and uses mother tongue when students can’t understand it. She also recasts what students say in mother tongue to English. Utterances made by students and the teacher are both less than 5 words because students are beginners in English.

Teacher uses mother tongue on purpose especially for classroom management. She warns students by saying “Are you listening to me”, “Look at me”, in Turkish. She also uses Turkish to reinforce understanding of the pupils. When students don’t understand the explanations in the target language she repeats them in Turkish to make her points clear. She also gives homework in Turkish to avoid any confusion and misunderstanding. Utterances in Turkish are usually longer than five words because students don’t have difficulty in understanding Turkish as it is their mother tongue.

To sum up, teacher uses English effectively while teaching but uses Turkish to reinforce understanding and make her points clear. She also uses Turkish for classroom management. 

Task 2
We have observed a fourth grade classroom to answer questions like “What kind of questions teacher asked”, “What type of question it was”, “How long the teacher waited for the students response”, “Whether teacher gave any feedback to the student and if so how?” and “How the students reacted to the feedback?”

We were asked to determine what type of questions the teacher was using. We found that she was mainly using display questions as she already knows the answer beforehand. When she asks question students can possibly answer in a negative or positive way she says if she whether wants a positive or a negative answer beforehand. She usually asks questions in English but often recasts the question in mother tongue to make sure everybody understands the question. For example;

T: Now, I am your mother and I am cooking something, a cake. But I you want to eat a hamburger. Yani anneniz kek yapıyor ama siz hamburger yemek istiyorsunuz. Ask the question… Hamburger yiyebilir miyim?
S: May I eat hamburger?
T: Peki ben izin vermiyorum, ne demem lazım?
S: No, you may not.

As it can be seen from the example the teacher asks questions in English but recasts it in Turkish when she thinks the question is too complex for students to understand fully in target language. She also often gives positive feedback when students answer questions correctly, saying things like “very good”, “excellent” etc. Students are usually happy to get the answer correctly when they hear those words. For example;

T: May I use your computer?
S: Yes, you may
T: İzin vermeye de bilirsiniz çocuklar
S: No, you may…. not
T: Excellent!

She usually waits for a few seconds for students to come up with an answer before helping them or asking to another student. If she thinks that number of students willing to answer the question is not enough she waits up to a minute while encouraging more students to answer said question, saying things like “You already know how to answer it, think about it a little”.

To put it in a nutshell, the teacher mainly asks display questions, wait for students to come with an answer for few seconds and give positive feedback when they answer correctly.

25 Ekim 2015 Pazar

Week 1-2 - Report 1


Kamile YENEL & Duran TORUN

Week 1-2

School: Celaleattin Sayhan Primary School
Date: 10.10.2015-17.10.2015
Class: 4/D - 4/E


Task 1

In this task, we were asked to give information about the language students and teacher used in the classroom
In observation we made during 2 weeks, we saw that teacher used mostly L1 in the classroom. But there were some moments she used L2, too. While teaching lesson, she used L2 by supporting it with mother tongue. For example, teacher asked a question to a student ‘May I take your sharpener? Sharpener? What is Sharpener? Sharpener nedir? Açacak çocuklar.’ But before explaining a sentence, she supported language by using gestures. To give an example, teacher asked ‘May I take your pencil case?’ Students didn’t know the meaning of the sharpener. So, teacher took pencil in her hand and showed the pencil. Then, she put it on the desk and took pencil case by showing students. Then, students said its meaning altogether. 
As we can see, she used target language in vocabulary section by supporting it mother tongue if necessary. But she preferred mother tongue while teaching a subject. For example, she writes two sentences:
  •          May I come in?
  •          May I take your pencil?

Then she explains them by using mother tongue Bir şeyi yapıp yapamayacağımızı nazikçe sormak için May I….? sorusunu kullanıyoruz.’ Then she continues to speak Merak ediyorum kaç kişi bu soruyu anladı?’

Student: Kalemini alabilir miyim?
Teacher: Excellent.

As we can see above, the person making utterance was generally the teacher. But sometimes the teacher and the students talked with each other in front of the classroom.

A-   May I come in?
B-   Yes, you may.
A-   May I sit down?
B-   Of course, sit down please.

Another example, teacher asks ‘Who wants to eat hamburger? Hanginiz benim çocuğum olacak ve hambuger yicek? Ask the question! English, not Turkish. Biz kibar soruları nasıl soruyorduk? May I ...?'

Student: May I eat hamburger?
Teacher: Ben izin vermiyorum. Ne söylemem lazım?
Student: No you may not.
Teacher: Akşam oldu uyku vaktiniz geldi. Süt içmek istiyorsunuz. Nasıl deriz?
Students: Milk,milk,milk.......
Teacher: Bu şekilde mi süt istiyorsunuz?
Student: May I drink milk?
Teacher: Excellent!

Task 2

In this task we were asked to give information about interaction between the teacher and students teachers’ question and students’ response and feedback. The activities and the questions teacher asked were mainly based on display questions since the teacher knows the answer. For example:

Student: May I eat hamburger?
Teacher: Ben izin vermiyorum. Ne söylemem lazım?
Student: No you may not.
Teacher: What is sharpener?
Teacher:This is sharpener.(Showing the sharpener)

As a feedback, teacher used positive expressions like excellent, good etc. when students gave right answers.

Teacher: May I take your pencil?
Student: Kalemini alabilimiyim?
Teacher: Excellent.

Feedbacks weren’t always in target language. She sometimes used feedbacks in the mother tongue.

Teacher: Junk food neymiş ?
Student: Aburcubur.
Teacher:  Evet güzel.

The students who were rewarded with positive feedbacks were happy. When students gave wrong answers, teacher didn’t directly say it was the wrong answer.  

Student: No you may not.
Teacher: Akşam oldu uyku vaktiniz geldi. Süt içmek istiyorsunuz. Nasıl deriz?
Students: Milk,milk,milk.......
Teacher: Bu şekilde mi süt istiyorsunuz ? Süt süt süt mü diyoruz?
Student: May I drink milk?
Teacher: Excellent!

In this example, teacher asked ‘Bu şekilde mi süt istiyorsunuz?’ and encouraged the students by asking them question. When students didn’t know the answers, teacher waited a few minutes (sometimes just 10-15 sec) for the answers to motivate them.

24 Ekim 2015 Cumartesi


Date: 05.10.2015 / 15.10.2015
Class: 2/F
School Attended: Petrol Ofisi Primary School

Dilem Berk & Gizem Papatya Uğurdil


      In initial week, we were responsible to observe the class, students and teacher from the point of 'The Language'. We took observation notes regarding ''Who made the utterance?'', ''In what language was utterance made?'', and ''The length of the utterance?'' The class that we observed was 2nd grade and the students have two English books under the head of Coursebook & Workbook.

      The process was started by the teacher who greeted the students in target language and preluded with three sentences:

      Teacher: Good afternoon class.
      Students: Good afternoon teacher.
      Teacher: How are you today ?
      Students: Fine, thanks. And you ?
      Teacher: Thank you, sit down.

      The students responded teacher in target language as it was expected.

      The teacher's primary instructions were in target language which were consist of 5-10 utterances. But immediately after, she translated some of them into mother language.

      The second step of the teacher was that she set appropriate expectation which inspired and motivated students. She explained the prosedure in mother language with 5-10 sentences. Then, she continued her statement in target language with the scope of 'Community Language Learning Method'. The teacher didn't want that new learning experience threatened the students. Feeling more secure was significant.

      First activity in the book was 'Sing a song' drill. Students listened a song of which lyrics preceded Unit 1 in the book and tried to follow. After that, they sang three times. The students were given word glossary which was subject of contrastive analyse. The word list was consist of English words which have similar morphological & phonetic structure as they have in students’ mother language. The students listened the vocabulary and were employed to encircle the word they heard. For instance; 'Hamburger, stadium, balloon, market, hotel, ambulance etc' .

      The other evincible point was that the teacher gave warning in target language with 2-5 words like 'Stop!', 'Be quiet!', 'Are you ready?' and 'Sit down!' during whole lesson. Actually the teacher deployed various techniques. The class atmosphere was so disconcerting due to students' accessive energy that as a facilitator, the teacher wanted to canalize it into a game. She said in target language 'Let's play a game. We call it 'Stand up & Sit down', and in this way you can get rid of your energy.' Then, she reliazed that students were not be able to understand her introduction, she translated what she had said and went on in mother language in contemplation of making clear the meaning.

     The other activity, 'Color and Trace' was applied by the students vivaciously. Demonstration materials in the book drew students' attention. The word of 'Star' was studied in accordance with 'Complete the word', 'Write the word' drill. During this activity, students repeated loudly.

      By the end of the lesson, students had been taught set of words based on simple vocabulary. For the most part, the students were imitator. Collaborating with memorization, listening and categorization, the teacher mostly tended to use metacognitive learning strategy. But we can not say that she hallmarked any methodology. She applied eclectic approach depending on the aims of the lesson and the learners group.

     In subsequent week, we focused on teacher-students interactions regarding teacher's question and it's type, teacher's wait time, student's response, teacher's feedback, and the student's response to the feedback.

      The teacher salutatorily came in the class and said the students to sit down. In first five minutes, the teacher used recall
questions to see if students had done their homework and memorized previous lesson's vocabulary. She wrote down on the board 'Balloon, market, lemon' and asked by pointing 'Balloon' word, 'What does it mean?'. The students relapsed into silence for a while, approximately after a minute the ones who did their homework responded self-assuredly. The remaining of the class tried to answer in mother language.

      In the second phase, the teacher preferred display questions. She scribbled down two different words on the board and put question ''Which of these words means 'Goril' ? '' The students looked blankly at her, so the teacher tried to imitate it with the aim of conveying the meaning through actions. Memory was activated through students responses. All students gave correct answer and the teacher appreciated them which maked students eager and braver.

      Later on, the teacher asked structuring questions like 'Are we ready to continue?'. The students hurriedly responded shouting 'Yes!'.

      While the teacher was keeping on the word-based study by using memorization in which students were given vocabulary words and their native language equivalents, she also asked referential questions. For instance; to teach students how to introduce themselves, she told fictitious story and asked 'What will you do if I come to your home as a stranger?'. But students weren't be able to ensure content integrity about what teacher had said. So the teacher translated into mother language to put a particular emphasis on meaning clarity. Then, students started to raise their hands to answer and the one was choosen. The teacher had to correct him beacuse of the fact that the response was out of context.

      As a conclusion, most of the teacher's questions requiered a little reflection. She used interrogation to elicit students' prior knowledge and lead them into recognising patterns. The feedbacks of the teacher encouraged students to produce longer but syntactically less complex responses. Additionally, she was prompter and motivator.

Observation Report

Observation Report- Melis Genç 2011177054
Gonca Şinmeç
Yonca Özkan

Week 1


Task 1

   Teacher entered the classroom and there was noise.It took time to calm students down.Most of the time teacher used L1 and made instructions in Turkish.There was not real interaction between teacher and students.Teacher gave instruction and students made them.Student were not exposed to the target language.Teacher just made them memorize and repeat the vocabulary items,some nouns that are written in the unit.Students were mostly chatting in the mother tongue.They were making noise and teacher used a pipe to make them silent.
 Teacher started the lesson by giving instruction in the mother tongue.

T:Mavi çalışma kitabınızı çıkarın.

And students spend so much time by looking for the book that teacher want.

T:Page 2,sayfa 2'yi açın.Kitaba bakıyoruz.

T:Geometri cisimlerini yapan kimlerdi?Herkes yaptı mı?

Teacher made students practice some nouns from the unit.That was the only part that she used the target laguage.

T:Şimdi söylediklerimi tekrarlıyorsunuz.Repeat after me.Stadium,stop,ambulance.Kim okumak ister bu 3 kelimeyi.

For the second lesson teacher made students write the words in their english notebook.She write 5 more words and choose volunteers to repeat the words.

T:Who wants to read these words?Kim bu 5 kelimeyi tekrarlamak ister?

She translated what she said in the target language so that students understand the instructions.

Some students raise hands and she picked one student.



Some student made mistakes and teacher said that the point is to understand meaning and repeating what she said.

T:Look at me, sayfa 7 deki eşleştirmeleri yapıyorsunuz istediğiniz renkte kalem kullanabilirsiniz.

Students made the instruction and they did not speak in the target language.

Task 2 

  During the lesson there was not real interaction between teacher and the students.Teacher gave some instructions and studets just made them and went on chatting between them.Some of them asked questions about how to write or spell a word,or where to write the words that teacher made them memorize and practice.

Teacher asked them repeat what she want them to learn and memorize the words that are in the unit.But the students did not listen to the teacher,they just went on chatting with their close friends.Some of them cried,some of them made complements about each other.They made noise and the teacher stopped them with a pipe.

Teacher asked some questions like;

''Söylediğim kelimeyi yazdınız mı?''
''Defterinize kelimeleri geçirdiniz mi?''
''Ödevinizi ödev defterine yazdınız mı?''

Students did not really answer the teacher.They just raise hands to repeat the words.They did not answer but did the instructions but not all of them.Some of them did not care about what  teacher say or made them.In the end of the lesson she gave homework and ask them to write the homework on their notebook.