Muhammet OKUR
Eda Ceyda ÇAVDAR
English Language Teaching
2015\2016, Fall Semester
Petrol Ofisi Primary School
1-2 / 3rd Grades
Teacher entered the classroom and both the teacher and the students greeted each other.
The topic was about numbers and she made a review of the topic. She
asked them to count until 20 and the
students counted to 20 all together. Later, she chose 10 students from
volunteers to play a kind of game. She gave each one of them numbers
from 11-20 and ask them to come forward and say their own numbers. This was an
enjoyable activity for the students. Later she picked a lot of volunteer students
to come to the board and write the number she asked and made them tell the
number to their other classmates.
These classroom activities make students involved. In this age
of students (young learners), teaching needed to be done through activities,
games, role plays, visuals, songs and all of the materials that arouses their
The teacher wanted the students to do an activity inside a book. There
was a question and answer activity inside the book about numbers.She wanted
them to reply both long and short answers.
T: “Look at the picture on your books.
How many pencils are there?”
Ss: “10 pencils.”
T: “How many lions are there?”
Ss: “There are 4 lions.”
The teacher wanted them to repeat each of the sentences.Later,she asked
them one by one to check who
understood, who didn’t. Few questions later, the teacher wanted the
students to ask and answer each other. She asked questions to the students to
make them involved and active for example; “what do you see on the picture or
is this an apple?.” Later, the teacher gave them homework about this topic. She
asked the students to write down 14 questions and answers about the topic and
said them to do it today. She remarked that these consolidation homework is very important in learning.
Finally for homework she asked them to do the cut and paste activity
which is inside their books. There were pictures of group of objects (e.g five apples, six
rabbits, four pencil cases). She asked them to cut and stick into their notebooks and ask questions starting with “how many” and answer them below the
1-2 / 4th Grades
The teacher entered the classroom.The teacher and the students greeted
each other. Then, she made a review of the previous lesson.The subject
was about the questions starting with “may I?” and the answers with “yes sure/
yes of course” or “sorry, not right now” and “give me your …” command.
The teacher asked the whole class:
T: “May I take your pencil case?”
Ss: “Yes sure,here you are” (the whole
class replied holding their pencil cases in their hands).
T: “May I take your books?
Ss: “Yes of course,here you are.”
After plenty of these dialogues the teacher asked one of the students:
T: “May I take your schoolbag?”
(Pointing at the students schoolbag)
The student didn’t understand and remained silent.
T: “Anybody, who wants to give me their
Ss: “Yes of course, here you are.” (most
of them replied)
After this activity the teacher asked for volunteers to come to the
board to perform what they have learnt on the stage. The teacher specially
mentioned that the students performance changes while they are performing on
the stage. She have mentioned us that we would understand better who have
learnt the subject and who haven’t. Through our observations, we saw that the
students who were answered the teachers questions accurately, are mostly
stopped, remained silent and made a lot of mistakes while they were performing
on the board. Finally, with the help of teacher they have performed well.
The teacher pulled the front desk of two students in the middle of the
classroom so everybody can see what’s happening clearly.She picked two students
from the volunteers and wanted them to ask and reply each other using the real
objects (authentic materials) on the desk (pencil case, books, notebooks,
pens, scissors, rubbers, rulers and etc.) The students asked each answered each
S1: “May I take your scissors?”
(pointing at the scissors on the desk)
S2: “Yes, of course. Here you are!”
After these exercises she made a review of numbers. She asked students to
count down the tens of numbers 100-10 and picked the volunteers.The
volunteering students counted the numbers perfectly. Not all of the students
volunteered to count the numbers, so, as a homework she said them to
memorize the numbers to make sure that all of the students learn better.
The teacher now wants to know if the subject is clear enough so she
asked for some volunteers to write the number she is saying on the board. She
mentioned that we must always set apart their performance on stage and verbal
performances. She added most of the students are doing better on verbal
performances but when it comes to stage performance the case changes.
T: “Write thirty nine on the board
The student writes 39 on the board correctly. The teacher asks for
another volunteer to write a hundred and twenty on the board this time and the
student can’t write. She gave some hints to student to write the number on the
board and the student couldn’t write it correctly. She asked another peer to
correct the student from the volunteers (peer correction). She made the
students write the numbers she wanted on the board one under the other.Later,
she asked them to write the number in letters next to the number for example:
47- forty seven
39- thirty nine
If a student makes mistake in spelling
first she gives hints to the student. If the student couldn’t succeed she asks
another peer to correct. She mentioned dictation is very important and they
have to learn the correct writing form of the letters so she specially picks
the students who have made mistakes before and those who weren’t attending the
lesson. She remarks that a teacher must be very patient to correct their
mistakes so she waited patiently until the student had written it correctly.
Later the teacher asked students to repeat each of them several
times. For an effective learning she told them to repeat loudly and the
students shouted each of them. Later, the teacher wanted the students to copy
the board in their notebooks. She gave another task to students to do it at
home; write the countries names and nationalities in their notebooks. Finally, the class is dismissed.
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