Week 1-2
Teacher: Aslıhan
Lesson: English
of student:25
Objectives: At the
end of the lesson, The students will be able to:
- Students
will able to count the numbers from 1 to 10.
- They
will able to learn some words about unit (Wheel of Fortune).
Beginning: The teacher greets the students
then she reminds last lesson.
T: Good
S: Good
morning teacher.
T: How are
you today?
S: Fine
thanks and you?
Our mentor
gives some instructions related to topic in Turkish. For example:
-Sayfa 9’u
açın şimdi! Doğru resmi seçin ve tik işareti koyun.
-Look at
the first picture. Ne görüyorsunuz? Çarkı çeviriyorlar.
Because students’ level is beginner. For this
reason our mentor generally uses native language in classroom. Otherwise
students don’t understand basic rules and words.
Method: The teacher
tries to teach every stage of the lesson clearly.She does not use the same
method every stage of the lesson.If the students do not understand the topic or
the meaning of a word, she repeats or
tries to explain its meaning by using body language (using TPR).For
example,students did not understand the word “spin”,she explained it by using
actions.In addition,she uses different activities such as matching,answering
the questions which are appropriate studets’ level in order to involve the students
to the activities.
Our mentor
usually uses translation and repetition. Question and answer drill gives
students practise with answering questions. The students should answer the
teacher’s questions very quickly. This gives students practise with the
question pattern.
T: How many
pencils are there?
S: Fifteen
T: Üç tane
kalem çizin buraya.
S: Tamam
Our mentor
uses some examples from the coursebook orderly. These are:
T: Sayfa
13’ü açın bakalım. Şimdi ordaki rakamları benim söylediğim renge
(Neydi red?)
When Mrs.
Kuru teaches something, she gives Turkish meaning of the word.
Comments: The students are
adapting to us day bay day.They listen to us.They ask us qusetion whatever they
wonder about English words.For example; they say teacher ‘mutlu olmak ne demek?’We
know that young learners are curious and they want to know everything they
wonder.So we tolerate them and we try to answer their question without hurting
their feeling.Also, the children feel good when they see us.We could understand
in their eyes.They clap when we enter the classroom also some of them hug us.
They are
taught to translate from one language to another. Generally what they translate
are readings in the target languge about some aspect of the target
language.They memorize native-language equivalents for target-language
vocabulary words. Attitudes that is students towards learn to English is
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