25 Ekim 2015 Pazar

Week 1-2 - Report 1


Kamile YENEL & Duran TORUN

Week 1-2

School: Celaleattin Sayhan Primary School
Date: 10.10.2015-17.10.2015
Class: 4/D - 4/E


Task 1

In this task, we were asked to give information about the language students and teacher used in the classroom
In observation we made during 2 weeks, we saw that teacher used mostly L1 in the classroom. But there were some moments she used L2, too. While teaching lesson, she used L2 by supporting it with mother tongue. For example, teacher asked a question to a student ‘May I take your sharpener? Sharpener? What is Sharpener? Sharpener nedir? Açacak çocuklar.’ But before explaining a sentence, she supported language by using gestures. To give an example, teacher asked ‘May I take your pencil case?’ Students didn’t know the meaning of the sharpener. So, teacher took pencil in her hand and showed the pencil. Then, she put it on the desk and took pencil case by showing students. Then, students said its meaning altogether. 
As we can see, she used target language in vocabulary section by supporting it mother tongue if necessary. But she preferred mother tongue while teaching a subject. For example, she writes two sentences:
  •          May I come in?
  •          May I take your pencil?

Then she explains them by using mother tongue Bir şeyi yapıp yapamayacağımızı nazikçe sormak için May I….? sorusunu kullanıyoruz.’ Then she continues to speak Merak ediyorum kaç kişi bu soruyu anladı?’

Student: Kalemini alabilir miyim?
Teacher: Excellent.

As we can see above, the person making utterance was generally the teacher. But sometimes the teacher and the students talked with each other in front of the classroom.

A-   May I come in?
B-   Yes, you may.
A-   May I sit down?
B-   Of course, sit down please.

Another example, teacher asks ‘Who wants to eat hamburger? Hanginiz benim çocuğum olacak ve hambuger yicek? Ask the question! English, not Turkish. Biz kibar soruları nasıl soruyorduk? May I ...?'

Student: May I eat hamburger?
Teacher: Ben izin vermiyorum. Ne söylemem lazım?
Student: No you may not.
Teacher: Akşam oldu uyku vaktiniz geldi. Süt içmek istiyorsunuz. Nasıl deriz?
Students: Milk,milk,milk.......
Teacher: Bu şekilde mi süt istiyorsunuz?
Student: May I drink milk?
Teacher: Excellent!

Task 2

In this task we were asked to give information about interaction between the teacher and students teachers’ question and students’ response and feedback. The activities and the questions teacher asked were mainly based on display questions since the teacher knows the answer. For example:

Student: May I eat hamburger?
Teacher: Ben izin vermiyorum. Ne söylemem lazım?
Student: No you may not.
Teacher: What is sharpener?
Teacher:This is sharpener.(Showing the sharpener)

As a feedback, teacher used positive expressions like excellent, good etc. when students gave right answers.

Teacher: May I take your pencil?
Student: Kalemini alabilimiyim?
Teacher: Excellent.

Feedbacks weren’t always in target language. She sometimes used feedbacks in the mother tongue.

Teacher: Junk food neymiş ?
Student: Aburcubur.
Teacher:  Evet güzel.

The students who were rewarded with positive feedbacks were happy. When students gave wrong answers, teacher didn’t directly say it was the wrong answer.  

Student: No you may not.
Teacher: Akşam oldu uyku vaktiniz geldi. Süt içmek istiyorsunuz. Nasıl deriz?
Students: Milk,milk,milk.......
Teacher: Bu şekilde mi süt istiyorsunuz ? Süt süt süt mü diyoruz?
Student: May I drink milk?
Teacher: Excellent!

In this example, teacher asked ‘Bu şekilde mi süt istiyorsunuz?’ and encouraged the students by asking them question. When students didn’t know the answers, teacher waited a few minutes (sometimes just 10-15 sec) for the answers to motivate them.

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