ATTENDED : Petrol Ofisi Primary School
Yonca Özkan - Seray Çiçektakan
Dilem Berk & Gizem Papatya Uğurdil
order to draw up a report for our 7th week, we observed the class paying regard to following
questions:''What is there about the classroom, the activities, the teacher and
students that helps create conditions for effective learning ?'' and ''What
aspects of the lesson might hinder learning ?''
Entering the classroom, we came across with a snapshot
of a conventional public school's learning environment. Layout of desks was
well-ordered and in collaboration with low number of students, we knew that
wasn't the best, we thought there were enough learning space for students.
Besides, positioning of teacher's table was appropriate for effective
observation. Although the sources of light were sufficient, teacher wanted to
take adventage of daylight. According to us, this athmosphere was less
oppressive and more spacious. The space between desks gave chance students to act nimbly, in case they involved in an activity or as a result of impulsive
behaviour; such as when she/he dropped pencil to the floor, she/he attempted to
reflexively stoop to pick up it. In addition, near the door there was a small
cabinet where the extra papers, materials, napkin, boardmarkers were stored.
In forthcoming seconds of lesson, one of the students spilt water over herself and the floor, then she automatically
went towards this cabinet to take some napkin. We set forth that cabinet
undoubtly was the other positive factor. Besides all this good points, there
were one or two negatives like a dustbin looked like quite unhealty and poor air
circulation that reduces education standard in classroom. Through the end of
lesson, breathing was really getting hard.
Activities in the classroom were
conformed with replicating real-life interaction. Simulation and role-play from
which students derived immense benefit were used to encourage oral fluency. In
our opinion this was the most exemplary case of effective learning. The other
point is about cooperative writing; using peer evaluation, the teacher provided
opportunity to enhance having more than one person working on it. Generally,
activities were satisfying in reflection and sense-making.
For effective learning,
predominantly the teacher was ideally suited. During whole lesson, she
bolstered and tried to persuade students to think that they would be in a safe
environment while they were learning. Sometimes she approached motherly to them
and if we consider students' average of age, this behaviour was pretty
supportive. It was obvious that she designed lessons to enjoin the idea that
learning is a process and making mistakes is common part of learning.
With the help of convenient learning
climate, students took responsibility for their education by collaborating with
other students, actively participating and using teacher's feedback to develop
their studies, improving predictions, explanations using evidence. But
unfortunately we noticed that some of them carried feeling of failure and there
was lack of a sense of accomplishment. May be, teacher shold intensify beat of
her positive feedbacks.
the 8th week of our observation, we beholded whether the activities
in a specific lesson are oriented towards fluency and accuracy.
Primarily, the teacher focused on
decoding the words rather than having students apprehend and read a text in a
fluency way. As in first language acquisition, students engaged in segmenting
the speech stream in target language. She tried to be careful in use of
language to explain meaning. In writing part, she used revising and editing for
what students wrote down as answer of comprehension questions. But, before
stylistic accuracy, she concentrated on accuracy on grammar presentations.
Because of the fact that students hadn’t gained automaticity for word
recognition, she needed to explain which one is short answer and what they
should do to make it short, like omitting some words or phrases. Exactly meanwhile,
she tried to divide sentences into meaningful chunks. After that, it was easily
observed that students gained relatively chunks recognition. At the same time
she employed multisensory activities to empowered word recognition such as
tracing, writing words (on the board/in the air) and copying. Students were
just at beginner level so rate of word per minute was not important. Rather
than fluency, she studied on speeding up words/chunks recognition and making
students produce grammatically correct written and spoken language.
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