6 Aralık 2015 Pazar

Report 4

Student Teacher: Eda Ceyda ÇAVDAR, Muhammet OKUR

Task 1  
 In this week we observed ”What is there about the classroom, the activities, the teacher and the students that helps create conditions for effective  learning?”and “What aspects of the lesson might hinder learning?” I will eplain positive and negative factors that affect learning.
    First of all Classroom is not crowded which is advantages for students and teacher. Everybody has chance to attend lesson actively. There are a computer and a projector in the class Thus teacher can easily integrate technology into lesson. By using these devices get students attention into lesson. The class is bright enough studens can see everthing clearly. But there are not enough pictures and photos in the class. Another negative factor for learning in the class is desk arrangement. Desk arrangement is in double row but Desk in u-shape is recomended. Classroom is clean and there is no hygienic problems. Secondly activities is important for learning. Teacher use different activities in the lesson for example listening activity games activity. She often starts lesson with a listening activities In this way She makes students alot of repetiton to teach them effectively. She doesn’t depent on the book. She integrates different activities into lesson. For example when she realize that students are bored She provide them play games such as matching games activity or find the correct one. She can also use games activity to detect their levels the end of the unit. These activities help students to learn target kanguage. Thirdly, teacher has very important role learning process for students. The teacher uses the language clearly and fluently. She forms simple sentences for them to understand her easily. She explains the new word if no one has an idea about it. The teacher uses the tone of her voice very well. It is possible to hear her voice in every corner of the classroom. She speaks in an appropriate tone and speed for instance when she wants the students to pay more attention to her she increases volume of her voice a few tones. She repeats the words and phrases which need emphasis and pauses when it is needed.  But sometimes she can’t use time well. She finish the topic early. The only problem is time management. Lastly students is  smart. They don’t have any understanding problem. They try to participate lesson. But Their attention span is limited and this affect learning negatively.  Some late comers hinder learning process.

Task 2
In this task we observed   whether the activities in a specific lesson are oriented towards fluency or accuracy. Teacher try to balance fluency and accuracy activities. She often starts lesson with listening activities such as listen, point and say activities. This activity is accuracy oriented. Teacher initially focus on accuracy oriented . T: “ Now, open your books. Look at the picture. There are two balls. You can see one of them is small and the other is big. Write down small ball for the small one and big ball for the big one.” The first example was given by teacher and the others are done by students. Listening, look and match, listen and correct and fill in the blanks all these activities are accuracy oriented. Teacher makes role play activity, listen and sing want them to ask question each other in these ways they improve their fluency. For example: T: “Open page 40.Tell me what the boy is trying to do in the picture.”
Ss: “He is trying to reach the shelf”
T: “ How tall is the boy?”
Ss: “He is short”
T: “ Can he get the book?”
Ss: “No, he can’t.
 T: “Look at the next picture,how is the man?”
Ss: “Old!”
 Books generally focus on accuracy oriented thus Teacher give more important accuracy than fluency. Accuracy motivate the learners to want to be accurate. There are alot of repetion activities in the book thus they have enough time to think the form and meaning about the terms.  The fluency activities attempt to simulate real-life language use. Teacher try to combine fluency activities with daily life thus  the  learners pay attention to meaning

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