20 Aralık 2015 Pazar


Student Teacher: FATMA EŞ – MİNE ÖNER

Class: 3-G / 3-H

Date: 07.12.2015 – 14.12.2015

Lesson: English

Number of student: 25


Blackboard is the traditional visual aids that are very important part of the classroom teaching. The blackboard is the teachers’ most traditional resourse. Blackboard allows teacher to place all of information in one place without limiting herself to an assigned amount of space. Teacher uses blackboard to encourage students to take more responsibility for their own learning. During our observation,  teacher used blackboard when students didn’t understand the things  teacher said, when students didn’t know how to wrote the words and when they confused the topics which were similar to each other. Teacher also used board to show them an example about the relevant topic.. While introducing new vocabulary she wrote new words. While the teacher was writing on the board, the students were  just imitating the things that teacher wrote on the board. The students were passive while the teacher was  writing on the board and the teacher turned  her  back to the class and so she couldn’t make eye contact with the students to get their attention and checked that they were understanding. What we learned from this observation that we can use blackboard in different activities like discussing, writing, drawing, and presenting new ideas to  students. We should explain what we are writing on the board and we should check students’  writing whether they finish copying it down . We should check what we write as we write. Many students have visual memories so we must be careful about accuracy of spelling and grammar. We  need to keep eye contact with the class as we write. We should allow the class to see what we write. Teacher should deal with students who cant see. If they cant see, she should write a bit bigger than before or she should change the colour of pen. When teacher cleans the board, she should ask students whether they write or not.  Taking everything into account, using blackboard is very important in class. It has effects on both students and teachers. The blackboard makes the learning cooperative between the teacher and the student.  

The aim of this task is to focus on oral correction techniques a teacher uses in the language classroom.
It is an indisputable fact that students have difficulty in pronouncing the English words since they are not pronounced as written. Because they are young learners, it is necessary to correct their mistakes either immediately after or later. Otherwise, they will have incorrectly learnt.
In general, our teacher who we observed did not enough care of pronunciation mistakes.She usually corrected her students about grammatical mistakes. One of her common techniques is ‘’ask to repeat’’. By simply asking students to “please repeat” or to “try again” they often pick up that they have made a mistake and will try to correct themselves.
In addition, she used gestures, facial expressions and ‘’or’’ question. When students made a mistake, her face was like sad or surprised and students tried to make them correct. Also the teacher gave the students a choice between or options; one with their (incorrect) phrase, the other with the correct phrase:

T: How is your mother?
S: He is happy.
T: He is happy or she is happy? 

In this example; she used “or” question. Teacher signalled for self-correction for this mistake.

T: Can you ride a bike?
S: No, I can
T: No ile başlıyorsak, No, I cant ride a bike diyeceğiz.

In this example; the teacher corrected this mistake automatically

Taking everything into account, error correction techniques should be used to promote students´ accuracy, increase self-confidence to correct themselves and to create a supportive, conducive learning environment.

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