7 Aralık 2015 Pazartesi


A) Week 7

    In this week, we considered and observed the following questions: ‘’what is there about the classroom, the activities, the teacher and the students that helps create conditions for effective learning?’’ and ‘’what aspects of the lesson might hinder learning?’’
Positive Factors
     - The Classroom
             We could not observe any positive factor which gives extra contribution to learning/teaching/classroom atmosphere etc. in the classroom. Everything was standard.
      - The Activities
             The activities were clear and logical.
             The activities were not too short and too long.
             In some activities, some students asked some questions to each other. It was a good technique for teacher to develop the students’ speaking skill.
         - The Teacher
              The instructions teacher gave were clear.
              The teacher had enough motivation for an effective teaching.
              Her body language was more effective in this week.
              She did not prefer to use only one method or technique. She used eclectic method.
         - The Students
              Unfortunately, we observed only one positive factor. The students did not do something which breaks the lesson flow.

Negative Factors
         - The Classroom
               The physical conditions of the classroom are not good.
                The board is too low for the students.
                The projector does not work.
                Class size is 36.
               There is no any visual aid in the classroom.
                There is no any auditory aid in the classroom.
               There is no any material about English teaching/learning in the classroom
            - The Activities
                   The activities were clear and logical but they did not include visual and auditory aids.
                   There was not any material to use in an activity except course book.
            - The Teacher
                  The teacher did not prefer to demonstrate.
            - The Students
                   Their motivation was low. They were not eager to learn.
                  We think that the students do not care about English Language.

B) Week 8

In this week, we observed whether the activities in a specific lesson were oriented towards fluency or accuracy.

What do you think about the balance of the activities? Are they any parts that you would change?

In 4 lesson hours, only two activities were practiced. So, I cannot make a comment about the activities clearly because only two activities are not enough for a clear observation.
Actually, there is no any part that I want to change. One of the activities was Q-A, other was creating a dialog. These were clear and logical.

Did the accuracy practice activities motivate the learners to want to be accurate?

Both activities were accuracy-oriented. I can say that accuracy practice activities have not motivated the learners to want to be accurate. Students just tried to correct their mistakes through their teacher’s feedback.

Did they have enough time available to pay attention to form?

Yes, the students have enough time available to pay attention to form. The teacher gave them enough time for this. Even so, most of them made many mistakes during Q-A and creating a dialog activity.

Did the fluency activities attempt to simulate real-life language use and did the learners pay attention to meaning?

Fluency-oriented activities were not practiced in the classroom. So, I cannot make a comment about this question.



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