22 Kasım 2015 Pazar

         AYTEN PARİN      /   REPORT WEEK  5 - 6

                              CLASSROOM  MANAGEMENT

School:  Petrol Ofisi Primary School


               At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives signal to start the activity using his hand clapping, raising his voice and saying ‘ sit your place’. He uses e very simple language and short sentences to get students to comprehend easier.  He  teaches according to students' level. The target language,  when giving instructions for the activities, is used  rare. He sometimes translates his instructions from TL into the ML. Particullarly when noting is understood. During the lesson, he uses his voice very effectively. When creating silence to start to the lesson and  emphasize something important, he raises his voice or turn down. The teacher also have eye- contact with his students when asking questions or wait for the answer. Body language, gestures and mime are not always used while telling something in target language. But when gestures go with verbal lecture, the students are learning much easier.The teacher repeats the instructions in different ways.  Sometimes he uses the visual aids. For instance; when he teaches the words of the unit, he shows their pictures in the book. Even if just a bit, he uses demonstration in some activities. But the lesson is mostly being processed with explanations rather than demonstration. He often uses ML.
As to checking their understanding, after telling the issue, the teacher ask questions to the children to follow whether they get or not.

To my opinion,  simple language,  short sentences, eye contact  contribute to the lesson the most.  The teacher doesn't use complicated sentences. Likewise, students usually need to be taken seriously  and listened when the teacher communicate with them. They understand it from the eye contact. So he uses the eye contact if required. Also he can keep their attention from getting away or interested in anything else with it. The negative impact on lesson is body language, mime and gestures. They should be used more often because they make learning more permenant and comprehensible. Otherwise, it may result in their getting bored and cool the lesson. When giving instruction , maybe the most significant thing is using a simple language because if they cant understand the instruction, they cant do it. Moreover using visual aids like pictures, realia, flashcards in the classroom supplies a good learning. YLS mostly learn with visual object because they learn through concrede thinking. Furthermore demonstration is useful. Because firstly children see what and how to do. Then they can imitate and do the activity.  
 Lastly, the common matters between my teaching and observation are using simple language, short sentences, eye contact and checking understanding.


            The teacher sometimes does group work with students at the end of the lesson. This week, he does a group work about the subject of the unit  they learn during that week. He asks the students to form a group of 5 persons and he calls them on the board. The teacher asks the students to line up side by side on the board. After the teacher tells what to do, he whispers something to the initial student’s ear. The first student whisper in his/her friend’s ear in the order. In this way, they go on saying in the ear of each other. Then he asks the last student what he/she is told. As some say true, the others do wrong. But they have three times to say the right. When they manage to say the correct, they are motivated and happy.   The teacher helps those who don’t understand what they need to do and sometimes gives clues in different ways. They have so much fun that they don’t want to the course to end. They don’t get bored.  In fact, all are eager to take part in the activity. The children incredibly successful  in group work. Although they are not aware, they learn better in this way without getting bored. 

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