21 Kasım 2015 Cumartesi

Student Teacher: Mine ÖNER- Fatma EŞ
Class: 3-G / 3-H
Date: 09.11.2015 - 16.11.2015
Lesson: English
Number of student: 25

TASK 1-2

   This week, our aim is to observe the instructions the teacher gives the lesson from the perspective of specific sub-skills in order to discover the dynamics of effective instruction giving.

   Teacher greeted to students in target language as always. However she warned the students who did not stand up in mother tongue.

    The teacher did draw the attention of the students by asking some questions such as “What did you learn in the last lesson?” in order to check whether they remember what they learnt in the previous lesson. But then she translated in mother tongue "geçen hafta neler öğrendik hatırlayan var mı?"

   The teacher started with an activity from the textbook, she asked to the students to open their books and turn the page related to their topic. The topic of this week was continuation of the previous one. She went on the topic with an activity in the coursebook. After that, she wanted them to cut the pictures of family members on the book and paste to their notebooks. While the teacher was going on her lesson, she gave instructions in native language to students. But; as using target language, she used simple and short sentences. On the other hand, she effectively used tone of her voice, her mime, gesture and body language. Absolutely, she was great using body language. She could make students concantrate on what she said. She draw the pictures on the board and then she went on her lesson and while doing this, she was very succesful and clear because students had very enjoyable time.

  She always made very clear instructions of the activities before they started to the exercises. She  made the instructions in target language. Only if the students did not understand what they were going to at all do, she made some more instruction in L1. The teacher was clear and well-organised so that she wasnt not likely to have any management problems

  The teacher rarely turned her back on her class except for when she wrote down some notes on the board. The teacher generally stayed at the front of the classroom during the lesson. We think the teacher organized transition between activities, she usually asked some questions to get feedback from the students in order to have ideas as to how much they learned the subject and saw their errors related to language. When the teacher asked a question, she controled the volunteers in the classroom and gave permission one by one to answer questions. When the students gave correct answer, the teacher encouraged the students by saying good, thanks, well done etc. Moreover, she sometimes let some students who weren’t eager to participate in the lesson speak. Aim is to capture their attention to the lesson.

As to task 2;  unfortunately , teacher never benefited from the pair work or group work both week 5 and week 6. The teacher always prefered individual work but only students just cooperated with eachother while borrowing scissors. So, we could not observe organisational skills involved in the management of pair work and group work activities and also we could not observe how the teacher gets the students in, through and out of an activity

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