29 Kasım 2015 Pazar


School Attended: Petrol Ofisi Primary School
Class: 2/F, 2/I
Yonca Özkan - Seray Çiçektakan

Dilem Berk & Gizem Papatya Uğurdil


In the third week of our observation, we were supposed to develop an understanding of the routines that characterise a lesson flow and the purposes they serve.

       First things first, the teacher greeted students in target language and performed an everyday procedure that involved following conversational patterns, right after, introduced briefly what they were going to be study. Then, she had students open their books. Within the context of 3rd Unit, vocables which are matter of expressions used in classroom such as ''teacher, student, desk, teacher's desk'' and kinds of act take place in the classroom like ''listen, point, open, close, cut'' were introduced by dramatizing meaning. For instance, the teacher animated motion of 'cut' word pretending to cut anything with her fingers in the air. In this way, she evoked students' imagination. The other attempt for presentation stage had a similar tendency. She touched her own ear to demonstrate meaning of 'listen'. At the end of the theatric presentation, the students were closely acquainted with vocabulary in 3rd Unit.

       The practice stage started with teacher's encouraging students to write down the words on the board. This activity gave a lot of opportunities to become familiar with words they had studied. While most of students desperately wanted to go to the board, a certain part of students turned down this. But the diversion for embarrased ones was that the teacher fictionalized a play in which some students would behave like moving vehichles and a student fulfilled the duty of traffic light. When the light turned to red, the student would say 'stop' by spreading his arms. Then, the students regarded vehicles started to wait that the red would turn into green to keep on their way. With this short game, the students and teacher successfully completed practice episode.

       When the teacher tought that students learned how to produce it without mistakes in controlled way, the teacher moved on to the production phase.

       In the last step, the teacher asked questions required immediate creativity. She wrote words that had beed taught in mother language and students were anticipated to answer by writing equivalents in target language. In case the students gave wrong answer, instead of intervening, she would permit peer correction; so the activity became less predictable.

       To put it all simple terms, all phases were successfully rounded up and they served purpose of training.


       With the same purpose of our previous observation, we beholded 4th week.

       To start with, the teacher said ‘Good afternoon’ with the best wishes to students. Everyone was smiling and students looked ready. Because the status of language study depends on when it occurs, it formed the essential focus of lesson this week. The teacher preferred materials which required less effort and provide more enjoyment.

       As a lead-in, the teacher asked ‘How are you today?’ one by one and students replied. But some of them spoke so quietly that the teacher had to have students do tune up exercise.

       The presentation stage started with model sentences written on the board and listening activity through which students listened the pronunciation of words and the sentences’ way of reading. Then, the stage was carried on through teacher’s acting out the meaning of vocabulary.

       For practice stage, the teacher wanted students to hold puppets which were homework of last week. Then, they drilled sentences by repeating after the teacher as puppeteers . Until they were able to say them correctly, the teacher sustained.

       Production stage was designed for students to use target language in freer way. As part of simulation exercise, students use their puppets to act out a scenario in which they were dealing with a stranger using colloquial patterns. Beyond question, the teacher was sure that this role play was perfect method of assessing how well they learned.


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