Student Teacher: Mine ÖNER- Fatma EŞ
Class: 3-G / 3-H
Date: 19.10.2015 - 26.10.2015
Lesson: English
Number of student: 25
In this week, we observed
about what our mentor did in presentation, practice and production phases of
whole lesson and each activity in a lesson.
teacher always greets to students by using target language.
- Good
morning students
- Good
morning teacher
- How
are you today?
- fine, thanks
teacher started the lesson with repeating the previous lesson, numbers 1 to 20 that the numbers were
students’ homework. The students counted the numbers by standing. Teacher helped
the students who couldn’t remember the numbers. Many activities were done about
the subject in order to reinforce and the teacher used effectively her body
language, gesture, voice and her lesson. She used simple, clear and short
instructions for her students and always taught a subject gradually. She checked by asking questions and by using her tone
and voice whether they understand or not.
during the practise stage, The next subject was Body Parts. The teacher prefered to use visual material and She drew
a big man on the board, wrote the
name of body parts with colourful boardmarker. Then, she used coursebook and
she made students do activities in the coursebook. Activities were fill in the
blanks, matching and gap-filling about numbers such as “s_v_n”, “f_ur” like
that. Soon afterwards the first activite was started. Teacher gave clear and understandable
instructions to students by using target laguage first, then native language. All
activities were related with the previous subject. Teacher did not use another source.
activities were being done, teacher benefited from affective learning right along
with visual materials. She turned up a song related to body parts. Even though the
language of the video was not quite suitable to the level of students, students
felt relax and found it enjoyable. Thus, the teacher used Desuggestopedia
Method and affective filter was low at that time
sum up; our personal thought, the lesson was very enjoyable and effective for
students. They repeated all their learnings and they enjoyed by drawing a big
man. The teacher was good at learning a word and she was really patient.
Week 4
week, the teacher didnt do presentation stage and she directly passed the new
topic was Family members and practise
stage. Teacher started the lesson by writing
the name of family members to the board and drew family members as stickman.
Then she wanted the students to guess the topic. After they gave the correct answer,
they repeated the names of family members many times and one by one.
Afterwards, the teacher wanted to draw their own
family on their notebooks. They draw their family. But, unfortunately a few
students were active, the others were very slow and were not interested in
their drawing or the lesson.
In this week, the teacher didnt interfere her
students too much, too. So, time could not be effectively used by teacher,
especially as students were drawing their
own family to the notebooks because the drawing took time very much roughly whole
the other lesson, the teacher made students do activities on their coursebook. She
wanted to match two same picture from the students and the other activities on
the coursebook gave as homework.
thıs week, the lesson was not effective for both students and our mentor.
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