29 Kasım 2015 Pazar

7-8. WEEK

TASK 1  In this week i paid attention to positive and negative factors of the classroom,the activities, the teacher and the students. Firstly there are many colorful posters and the pictures that students prepared in the classroom. Using of these are very useful for young learners as visual. It also affects the classroom atmosphere in a positive way. An another thing that exists in the classroom is projection but  they don’t use this technological  device in lessons. The other thing is air conditioner. They share a warm room however  there would be a problem if the classroom was cold but  they feel relax. As negative, the tables and desks are old and boring . It could be better for them. The classroom isn’t  clean enough. It doesn’t seem hygienically. Not only the classroom but also many places in school. Especially the walls are dirty. The classroom  is exposed  to the noises that comes from outside. It can distract the students’ attention. The activities improve their learning. The teacher is interested in if they learn or not so the activities are mainly consists of repetitions but when we take negative factors into account, the activities on the book is used in general. These are matching,tracing and drawing etc. Using  some of them like drawing picture  takes much time for learning english. The students doesn’t have any excitement because the teacher doesnt give anything new to them so following book everytime can be boring for them. They need another activities to participate. The teacher  gives the instructions by demonstrating by the support of body languge, jest and mimes. He gives importance to students’ pronunciation. He uses his voice effectively. His explanations are clear,easy and short. After giving an activity, he checks the students’ books and helps them in their works.  On the other hand, he doesnt use a different technique and bring anything new to the classroom. The only thing he benefits from is the book. He uses a traditional method. The students are a good listener. They don’t have any difficulty in undertanding the teacher. They all raise their hands to participate the activities  or answer  the questions. The students aren’t shy and they don’t have any hesitation because of the teacher’s attitude.
 TASK 2  The teacher makes them do listen and complete activity from the book. There are some words with missing capitals. He writes the words on the board  and asks the students to complete them by looking at the board. This activity is written and accuracy-oriented because they focus on how to write a word. The other activity is say a chant. Here, the students asks them open their book and repeat him. This is spoken. They repeat the teacher all together and also fluency is more important. They say it sentence by sentece since the song includes  some forms. for ex; open the door and sit down etc. The students  trace the words on the book. It is written and accuracy-oriented. They learn how to write the words here. After that,  the teacher gives them a game activity. It is called ‘’ who is this? ‘’. He calls one of his students on the board and asks him to turn back to his friends. The teacher  makes the one of his friends  say a sentence like ‘’how are you?’’. The student on the board tries to guess who owns this sound. This activity is spoken  and fluency-oriented. The students makes sentences and then, they do matching and tracing activity. The teacher writes the correct  one on the board so by looking at the board, the students match the words and after finishing it, they trace the words. It is written and accuracy-oriented. And the last one is make mask. Here the students draw  a mask on paper and write the word of mask. The teacher tells them they can color them whatever they wish. This activity is written because they write mask on the paper and accuracy-oriented. I think there is no balance among the activities. Some activities takes too much time like drawing picture. I would change make a mask activity because i don’t think it works for students to learn english. They just make drawing but learn nothing much. The accuracy practice activities takes place much more here and  for young learner it is really more important. The activities improves their pronunciation and the way they write. They didnt have thinking time available to pay attention to form. The fluency activities are about real life. They learn many things to use in real life  but the learners dont seem pay attention to meaning. They just repeat  given things .

School Attended: Petrol Ofisi Primary School
Class: 2/F, 2/I
Yonca Özkan - Seray Çiçektakan

Dilem Berk & Gizem Papatya Uğurdil


In the third week of our observation, we were supposed to develop an understanding of the routines that characterise a lesson flow and the purposes they serve.

       First things first, the teacher greeted students in target language and performed an everyday procedure that involved following conversational patterns, right after, introduced briefly what they were going to be study. Then, she had students open their books. Within the context of 3rd Unit, vocables which are matter of expressions used in classroom such as ''teacher, student, desk, teacher's desk'' and kinds of act take place in the classroom like ''listen, point, open, close, cut'' were introduced by dramatizing meaning. For instance, the teacher animated motion of 'cut' word pretending to cut anything with her fingers in the air. In this way, she evoked students' imagination. The other attempt for presentation stage had a similar tendency. She touched her own ear to demonstrate meaning of 'listen'. At the end of the theatric presentation, the students were closely acquainted with vocabulary in 3rd Unit.

       The practice stage started with teacher's encouraging students to write down the words on the board. This activity gave a lot of opportunities to become familiar with words they had studied. While most of students desperately wanted to go to the board, a certain part of students turned down this. But the diversion for embarrased ones was that the teacher fictionalized a play in which some students would behave like moving vehichles and a student fulfilled the duty of traffic light. When the light turned to red, the student would say 'stop' by spreading his arms. Then, the students regarded vehicles started to wait that the red would turn into green to keep on their way. With this short game, the students and teacher successfully completed practice episode.

       When the teacher tought that students learned how to produce it without mistakes in controlled way, the teacher moved on to the production phase.

       In the last step, the teacher asked questions required immediate creativity. She wrote words that had beed taught in mother language and students were anticipated to answer by writing equivalents in target language. In case the students gave wrong answer, instead of intervening, she would permit peer correction; so the activity became less predictable.

       To put it all simple terms, all phases were successfully rounded up and they served purpose of training.


       With the same purpose of our previous observation, we beholded 4th week.

       To start with, the teacher said ‘Good afternoon’ with the best wishes to students. Everyone was smiling and students looked ready. Because the status of language study depends on when it occurs, it formed the essential focus of lesson this week. The teacher preferred materials which required less effort and provide more enjoyment.

       As a lead-in, the teacher asked ‘How are you today?’ one by one and students replied. But some of them spoke so quietly that the teacher had to have students do tune up exercise.

       The presentation stage started with model sentences written on the board and listening activity through which students listened the pronunciation of words and the sentences’ way of reading. Then, the stage was carried on through teacher’s acting out the meaning of vocabulary.

       For practice stage, the teacher wanted students to hold puppets which were homework of last week. Then, they drilled sentences by repeating after the teacher as puppeteers . Until they were able to say them correctly, the teacher sustained.

       Production stage was designed for students to use target language in freer way. As part of simulation exercise, students use their puppets to act out a scenario in which they were dealing with a stranger using colloquial patterns. Beyond question, the teacher was sure that this role play was perfect method of assessing how well they learned.


28 Kasım 2015 Cumartesi

Observation Report on Classroom Management

Week 5-6                                                        

Class: 8/C, 8/D                                                                    Muhammed Emin Yüksel    
Date: 13.11.2015/ 20.11.15                                                                       Caner Koca
School: Celalettin Sayhan Primary School

5th Week

In the first task, we were supposed to observe the instructions the mentor gave during the lesson. The first thing we would report about ‘signaling start of activity’ is that we could not realize the start of the activity as it was not clear enough. She started asking the first question of the activity in a straight manner. What we clearly observed was that the teacher used a simple language with short and clear sentences. Voice quality was also enough to have control over the classroom. However, most of the lesson was held in Turkish instead of the target language. As for using mime, gesture, body language and eye contact, we would say that these aspects were not clearly observed because she was sitting on her desk during the lesson. Ending of activity was also the other aspect that was not clearly observed.

One thing we appreciated during the lesson was that she used a pencil, a pen and a board marker as visual aids to differentiate the meanings of the objects. Except for that, however, the lesson was a bit monotonous and lacked mimes gestures and demonstration. Mimes, gestures and body language should be considered important to avoid a boring classroom environment. Clearer instructions that could possibly attract the students could have been used instead of a direct start. Otherwise, this causes an impossibility to draw the attention of the students. 

We are expected to make an enough observation and fill in the observation chart for each task, but we are not provided with an appropriate classroom environment to carry out the tasks properly. The teacher and us are limited to a few activities that are suitable to our tasks because of their discrete schedule for the students to be prepared for the TEOG exam.

6th Week


Pair and group work activities are known to be a beneficial learning strategy to help students interact and learn from each other. In this case, this kind of activities should often be included in classroom environment. During the 6th week of our internship experience, we were required to observe an activity involving pair or group work. This report will focus on the role of the teacher during the activity held in the 8th grade classroom.

We should remind the fact that the students we observed take English classes in a way profoundly focused on grammar rules. They are expected to attain a high level of grammar proficiency so as to pass the TEOG exam, as mentioned in the previous reports. For this reason, the teacher did not want to arrange a group work at first, because she had other grammar activities for the students. However, because of our kind request for a little group work activity, she thankfully held a short activity of what we suggested.

The activity started with the teacher organizing groups of four students. There were 3 different groups including 4 voluntary students in each group. She used Turkish to give the instructions to make everything clear. She asked students to form a line oppose to the blackboard with a certain distance, and told them that she would read sentences, which could be grammarly true or false. The students had to run to the board right after the teacher reads the sentence and write ‘T’or ‘F’. The teacher made clear that they should write ‘T’, if the sentence is correct, and F, if the sentence is false. She stood at the corner of the classroom and started to read aloud sentences in an understandable way. Later on, one student from each group run to the board and wrote ‘T’ or ‘F’, and was rewarded with 2 points if the answer was correct. At the end, the winner group was selected depending on the last results. As we mentioned, this activity was not in the schedule, rather included upon our request.

24 Kasım 2015 Salı

Barış Karakoyun -Fatma davulcu WEEK 5-6

Task 1
In the first sight  one of the priorities of the teacher is to create a silent atmosphere before starting an activity .As we observed our mentor keeps on warning some certain of  students .
She is using her gesture and facial expressions very effectively .Those two factors makes our mentor more serious during the lesson .She does not necessarily direct or warn her students orally ,the gestures andfacial expressions are sometimes give the message clearly .when starting a new activity the mentor gives the instructions in target language .she repeats “open page 27” many times .despite this there are so many students that do not understand what the mentor is saying .After observing that they do not understand the instructions she showed the page so that they can understand the target language by using the total physical response method .When the students have difficulty in understanding she uses some kind of different methods so that they can understand like display method.
Another factor in the class which our mentor tries to display is showing a serious attitude when necessary because smiling too much or making some jokes may result in negative effects that she may have difficulty in preventing the noise in class.
Another problem is that some kind of events may easily  trigger the students to deal with something else which is not related to lesson .as a result of this they do not obey the teacher until she raise her voice.
While managing the class our mentor always tries to bedemocratic ,equal and humanistic .she asks  for the opinion of the students whether they have something to share or not. For example when she was drawing the pictures of the faces she was asking the students whether to draw male or female face on the board. The reason why she tries to be equal is that she wants to make the students feel precious and do not feel isolated .
In the fourth grades our mentor was eliminating the factors like closing the windows  which are obstacles preventing her having a reliable and free atmosphere  by having a silent class and making them focusing onjust the activities. Likewise from the transition of one activity to another one she has some problems on keeping the class under control,she has to raise her voice and scold them strictly.despite all of those factors she is very thoughtful towards to the students while lecturing ,she tries to be equal and answer all the questions .but that affects her classroom management and authority negatively .because the naughtybehaviours come out naturally and it is hard for her to re-creat her authority.
Task 2
As we know working in group is often presented as a good way of dividing work and increasingproductivity.it allows the utilization and sharing some skills and ideas by encouraging each other. But in the class we did not have the opportunity to observe any kind of group or pair work. It would help us to decide whether they can interact and are able to demonstrate the unity of helping each other.

23 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

Report 3

Task 1
      The teacher enters the classroom and the students greeted the teacher. She asked them to bring their family photos so most of the students brought the photos including his/her family members. She gave signalling start of lesson.  She made a quick review of the previous lesson.
T: “Show me your family photos.” The students showed her and one of the students got up to show her family photo to the teacher. She uses simple language. The teacher praised her and asked her the people in the photo one by one.
T: “Who is she?”
S: “She is my mother.”
T: “Very good, thank you! Now who wants to come and show us their family?”   Another student comes to introduce his family by pointing at the people in the photo.
S: “This is me, she is my mother and he is my father.”

T: “Now open your books. Look at the book. There is a family picture. Imagine that this is your family and introduce them one by one. This is my aunt.” Teacher was done the first example to give them clues. She uses short sentences to be understandable. She tries to use target language but students don’t understand what she says thus she has to uses sometimes mother language.

   When students make noise, she uses effectively her tone of voice. She draws students’ attention by using her body language, eye contact and gesture. She make students repeating instruction in a different way. For example she made a role-play about family members dialog inside the book to make them repeat. She doesn’t depend on book, she integrates technology into the lesson. She watches them videos and use visual aids by means of computer and projection. She uses games activity to check their understanding such as Find the correct one and matching activities. She provides these activities by using computer and projection. She gives homework to students and this generally signals end of lesson.

TASK 2    
This week we have observed pair and group work. Generally , teacher does not prefer to make small group or pair work activities. So , we arranged a group activity for this task.
   Teacher divided students into small groups. Every group had its own pictures and phrases and  every group was supposed to match phrases and pictures. In order to match, they needed to share information and talk to each other . During group work, everybody participated to work.

    According to our observations  students who work together in a group are more integrated to lesson instead of being individual. They had fun and shared information with each other. We can see that involving a group gives more chance to speak and creates an interactive atmosphere in classroom. 
5-6. WEEK
TASK 1  In this week, teacher opens the lesson with checking the students’homework and for it he gives instruction ‘‘ Open your book’’ in target language and the next sentence is that ‘’ödevlerinize bakacağım’’. Here, he uses both languages clear,simple and short in general. When he checks everyone’s homework, he doesnt say anything about it. After finishing it, He wants them to observe the pictures on page and try to guess. He uses his voice so clearly that the students dont have any difficulty to understand given instructions. His voice is not monotonous. He raises his voice to activate the lesson. In this way, students dont  feel bored. He warns the students loudly  to keep their voice down . Teacher can involve them in activities even though they make sometimes noise. He  teaches new word and immediately translates into mother language. For example ; CLASSROOM  he shows classroom  and says ‘ evet sınıf’ . He says the words by showing with body language. When he says student, he points to them in class thus students can relate the words to actions and not only he demonstrates himself but also he makes the students do it.  The teacher  pays attention to their level and  he doesnt  make the speech  complicated for them. He tries to make eye contact  for them so they dont feel themselves isolated from the lesson. The teacher’s authority is enough for them to listen to him. His gestures,mimes and body language supports  the lesson process  in an effective way. He knows who understands or not  so he repeats the instruction when it needs. When it comes to using of visual aids, the teacher  benefits from  the pictures on the book. He opens the book in front of the students  and points  making them repeat. In this kind of activites teacher demonstrates the words acting clearly. He doesnt  ask  if they understand or not so there is no clear checking understanding and finally he informs the end of  activity. Students  are sorry to finish the activity because they enjoy it much.  The most important elements are voice clarity,body language,gestures and mimes. They contributes more to the lesson. Using visual aid has bad impact beacase he had better bring some cartoons instead of using book everytime. The most important factors are voice clarity and using the language short simple and clearly when giving instructions.  I will incorporate the way he creates authoriy  into my own teaching.

The teacher  calls some of the students on the board and he explain the activity. He says they will play a game from ear to ear. This game isnt anything new to them so they know the rules. He gives instruction ‘ who wants to come’ they arises their hands.He wants to know who is volunteer. The teacher wants to stand in line and he whispers a sentence the first student’s ear and monitor them. He intervenes when it is necessary. students enjoy a lot so they are unwilling to leave the activity. The teacher realises this situation but he behaves according to his plan so he doesnt maintain an activity for a long time. Students need another activities to improve other skills.In this activity the teacher says they have three chances so he helps them to think on the sentence that his friend says to him. The teacher provides both enjoying and learning for them but when they try to applause their friends  He warns the students not to do it because he doesnt want to allow any chaos When they cant finish the game because of messing around ,the teacher arises his voice so he gives opportunity other students to attend the activity. He reminds the rest time to wind down the activity or informs the reason to finish the activity. At the ends of the activity , teacher says it is enough for the day and he says ‘’You are great’’ to encourage them. He arranges time for every activity so he takes the upper hand to bring about the other things. 

Week 5-6 - Report 3


Kamile YENEL  &   Duran TORUN

: Celaleattin Sayhan Primary School
Date: 13.112015-20.11.2015
Class: 4/D - 4/E


 Task 1:
In this task, we were supposed to observe the instructions the mentor gave during the lesson. 
According to the observation we did, we saw that the teacher used the instructions in a target language. 
Moreover, the instructions were generally clear and short. For example, before teacher starts an activity, she uses some instructions like ‘open your books... page 20’ and while managing classroom, she uses ‘stop talking...be quiet’

Although there is no problem with the instructions, teacher has difficulty in classroom management. Students sometimes don’t care for the teacher when she says something. 
For example, when teacher warns a student because of noise, talking etc. , student stops talking but then he or she starts talking again. This has nothing to do with the instructions teacher uses since she uses proper instructions at the right time. Maybe, it is all about teacher or students. This is a really serious problem since it affects the whole classroom. 
As to instructions, when they are long or difficult to understand, teacher support it with mother tongue. For example,

T: Start exercise and do this by yourself. Aktiviteye başlayın ve herkes kendisi yapsın.
T: We can see a red dress. This one. Bu kızın üzerindeki kırmızı elbiseyi hepimiz görüyoruz.
T: A boy with white dress. Beyaz elbiseli çocuk.

Sometimes teacher used supported mother tongue to draw their attention. 
For example,
T: Open your workbook. Page 15. Çalışma kitabı sayfa 15. Açtık mı ?

Of all elements, there are three main elements contributing more to the lesson when compared with them. First one is signaling start activity which makes students ready for the lesson. Second one is simple language making the language easy for students and the last one is mime, gesture, body language, which makes the language more efficient. Lastly, voice quality must be good enough. If it is not good enough, it may have a negative impact on students.   

Task 2:

In this task we supposed to observe pair and group work activities. Unfortunately, we could not observe any pair work or group activities in classroom. Teacher did not prefer to use pair work or group work activities not only in 5 and 6 weeks but also in previous weeks. As a result of this, we could not find anything to observe for this task.

I think I will use both pair work and group activities since it has many advantages for students like lowering the barriers of the students. Firstly when students work with other students, they have chance to interact with the other students, which enables them to learn from each other and also they can feel more comfortable. Moreover I can create various activities including games, role plays thanks to group work. So every student can be active during lesson. This is one of my primary activities I will use in the near future. Furthermore in pair work or group activities, students can see peer’s mistakes and correct them. As I explained, pair work or group activities can provide effective learning experience students also enjoy. 
(Duran TORUN)

We know that pair work and group work activities are very important and effective for second language learning. Because they have an important element which individual learning activities do not have. It is 'communication'. These kinds of activities give the students a chance to communicate with their friends in English or about English (even 2 or 3 words). They should be active in learning. So, I will use both pair work and group activities in my classes. 
(Kamile YENEL)

22 Kasım 2015 Pazar

Week 5-6


Student Teacher: Aslıhan ANAPAL-Büşra GÜNGÖR-Halil AYBAR



Lesson: English

Number of student:25

Report 3

Class management is one of the most important factors that affect to the learning in the classroom.It has the largest effect on student achievement.If the teacher manages to the class effectively,she/he elininates the obstacle that accects the learning negatively.The teacher and student relationship also is the key stone for  the aspect of classroom management in order to have high-quality relationship with the students and fewer discipline problems.we analyzed how the teacher managed the class and which factors she used to control the class.

The beginning:
This week,the teacher talked with the students when she came to the class and then started the lesson.She did not remind previous lesson before she started  a new lesson.Generally,she starts the lesson by asking questions to draw students’ attention.She uses warm-up session to improve their interest..She invites them to participate to the lesson.Before the teacher starts the first activity,she gives them simple and clear instruction.The teacher gets bored with some distractions during the lesson because all distractions happens in the class affect the flow up the lesson and hinders the learning process and she therefore tries to prevent them and warns the students.

Knowing students name is very important to increases self esteem.Our teacher is quite poor she doesn’t know most of students’names.She mostly uses instructions in the target language to make the activity clear.If the students do not understand,she tries to explain by using action.Other important thing is eye contact.It is a signal to “I am listening to you”.She tries to make eye contact and gives them feedback to make communication effectively.It is so important to gives the students a sense of awareness and security.But some students are so indifferent,they  sits the back of  the class.Sometimes,the teacher is not awere of all corners of the class.
If a problem arises:
The teacher acts quickly if there is a serious problem.She can easily solve it because she is a quite experienced teacher.She gives the students chance to solve any problem and tries to help them to overcome negative situations.She also listens her students.She focuses on both the  act and the students.If the students misbehaves,she warns them but not strictly.

End of lesson:
The students have enought time to pack up before the lesson end is signaled.The teacher is always tidy.She control the board.She tries to make class quiet and orderly before dismissal.She gives important to make class quiet. So, she warns them repeatedly to be silent.
Pair and group work are very important to learn second language in the clasroom.We do not the language to think to ourselves in a foreign language.We learn it how to communicate and      with others. Students need to learn how to communicate with other individual. Therefore, teachers provide such communication within pair and group work.They are very important factors in the classroom because they built community. They bring the students together and the students work in pair or group.Teachers want students to collaborate,to support and scaffold each other.Pair and group work encourage them to solve problems and to  share and exchance their ideas and opinion with each other.Pair and group work also greatly increase the speaking time of students,give the students more changes to speak English in the classroom.Moreover,the role of teacher in pair/group work is very important.Teacher should be facilitator who guides the students.Teacher makes plan and create an atmosphere where students work in groups.They inspires students to do well their work.
However,when we observe the lesson in terms of pair and group work,the teacher does not do any pair and group work.Sometimes she only do some activities including dialogues but they are not productive activities.The students just read them in a straight way .
As a conclusion ,the teacher should give the importance of pair and group work in the second language classrooms.Also,she should  prepares different tasks which the students can work together and create an environment to share their ideas and feelings with each other because pair and group work let the students work at tasks designed for their ability,rather than participate in a whole-class lesson.And also,they encourages co-operation,provide the student more oppartunities to work together and share their opinions with each other easily.

         AYTEN PARİN      /   REPORT WEEK  5 - 6

                              CLASSROOM  MANAGEMENT

School:  Petrol Ofisi Primary School


               At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives signal to start the activity using his hand clapping, raising his voice and saying ‘ sit your place’. He uses e very simple language and short sentences to get students to comprehend easier.  He  teaches according to students' level. The target language,  when giving instructions for the activities, is used  rare. He sometimes translates his instructions from TL into the ML. Particullarly when noting is understood. During the lesson, he uses his voice very effectively. When creating silence to start to the lesson and  emphasize something important, he raises his voice or turn down. The teacher also have eye- contact with his students when asking questions or wait for the answer. Body language, gestures and mime are not always used while telling something in target language. But when gestures go with verbal lecture, the students are learning much easier.The teacher repeats the instructions in different ways.  Sometimes he uses the visual aids. For instance; when he teaches the words of the unit, he shows their pictures in the book. Even if just a bit, he uses demonstration in some activities. But the lesson is mostly being processed with explanations rather than demonstration. He often uses ML.
As to checking their understanding, after telling the issue, the teacher ask questions to the children to follow whether they get or not.

To my opinion,  simple language,  short sentences, eye contact  contribute to the lesson the most.  The teacher doesn't use complicated sentences. Likewise, students usually need to be taken seriously  and listened when the teacher communicate with them. They understand it from the eye contact. So he uses the eye contact if required. Also he can keep their attention from getting away or interested in anything else with it. The negative impact on lesson is body language, mime and gestures. They should be used more often because they make learning more permenant and comprehensible. Otherwise, it may result in their getting bored and cool the lesson. When giving instruction , maybe the most significant thing is using a simple language because if they cant understand the instruction, they cant do it. Moreover using visual aids like pictures, realia, flashcards in the classroom supplies a good learning. YLS mostly learn with visual object because they learn through concrede thinking. Furthermore demonstration is useful. Because firstly children see what and how to do. Then they can imitate and do the activity.  
 Lastly, the common matters between my teaching and observation are using simple language, short sentences, eye contact and checking understanding.


            The teacher sometimes does group work with students at the end of the lesson. This week, he does a group work about the subject of the unit  they learn during that week. He asks the students to form a group of 5 persons and he calls them on the board. The teacher asks the students to line up side by side on the board. After the teacher tells what to do, he whispers something to the initial student’s ear. The first student whisper in his/her friend’s ear in the order. In this way, they go on saying in the ear of each other. Then he asks the last student what he/she is told. As some say true, the others do wrong. But they have three times to say the right. When they manage to say the correct, they are motivated and happy.   The teacher helps those who don’t understand what they need to do and sometimes gives clues in different ways. They have so much fun that they don’t want to the course to end. They don’t get bored.  In fact, all are eager to take part in the activity. The children incredibly successful  in group work. Although they are not aware, they learn better in this way without getting bored. 

21 Kasım 2015 Cumartesi

Student Teacher: Mine ÖNER- Fatma EŞ
Class: 3-G / 3-H
Date: 09.11.2015 - 16.11.2015
Lesson: English
Number of student: 25

TASK 1-2

   This week, our aim is to observe the instructions the teacher gives the lesson from the perspective of specific sub-skills in order to discover the dynamics of effective instruction giving.

   Teacher greeted to students in target language as always. However she warned the students who did not stand up in mother tongue.

    The teacher did draw the attention of the students by asking some questions such as “What did you learn in the last lesson?” in order to check whether they remember what they learnt in the previous lesson. But then she translated in mother tongue "geçen hafta neler öğrendik hatırlayan var mı?"

   The teacher started with an activity from the textbook, she asked to the students to open their books and turn the page related to their topic. The topic of this week was continuation of the previous one. She went on the topic with an activity in the coursebook. After that, she wanted them to cut the pictures of family members on the book and paste to their notebooks. While the teacher was going on her lesson, she gave instructions in native language to students. But; as using target language, she used simple and short sentences. On the other hand, she effectively used tone of her voice, her mime, gesture and body language. Absolutely, she was great using body language. She could make students concantrate on what she said. She draw the pictures on the board and then she went on her lesson and while doing this, she was very succesful and clear because students had very enjoyable time.

  She always made very clear instructions of the activities before they started to the exercises. She  made the instructions in target language. Only if the students did not understand what they were going to at all do, she made some more instruction in L1. The teacher was clear and well-organised so that she wasnt not likely to have any management problems

  The teacher rarely turned her back on her class except for when she wrote down some notes on the board. The teacher generally stayed at the front of the classroom during the lesson. We think the teacher organized transition between activities, she usually asked some questions to get feedback from the students in order to have ideas as to how much they learned the subject and saw their errors related to language. When the teacher asked a question, she controled the volunteers in the classroom and gave permission one by one to answer questions. When the students gave correct answer, the teacher encouraged the students by saying good, thanks, well done etc. Moreover, she sometimes let some students who weren’t eager to participate in the lesson speak. Aim is to capture their attention to the lesson.

As to task 2;  unfortunately , teacher never benefited from the pair work or group work both week 5 and week 6. The teacher always prefered individual work but only students just cooperated with eachother while borrowing scissors. So, we could not observe organisational skills involved in the management of pair work and group work activities and also we could not observe how the teacher gets the students in, through and out of an activity

18 Kasım 2015 Çarşamba

REPORT 2 ( 3 -4 weeks)

     According to  our  observation , the lesson consists of  just two stages .These stages  are presentation stage  and practice stage .The presentation  is like a skeleton of lesson . The second stage  includes practices  such as gap filling , multiple choices  activities  to evaluate  what students  learnt   in this lesson .
     To examine the lesson in detail  , the teacher controlled what the students  remembered  because the teacher wanted to come out their schemata .By the way , schemata means  learners background knowledge . Teacher used brainstorming  technique to understand what they learnt in previous lesson.
The teacher focused on top-down process as the teacher gave  the rule of simple present tense and  then she set the sentences , as an example of usage of this tense.
       The other stage is practice stage .Firstly ,  the teacher wanted  the students to transform
affirmative sentences  in simple present tense  into interogative sentences by giving  the gap filling activities  which the teacher wrote  on the board .The teacher also used  finding mistakes activity ;moreover ,she wrote  the words on the board  in mixed sequence , and the students were expected  to make sentences  in a correct order by using  the words the teacher wrote on the board. According to us , this practice is a handicap  for the creativity  of the students  because  this practice includes a specific context and  limited vocabulary. With another view , this practice is  a reasonable activity  since the  students can apply  the rules to make the sentences  and they must  know the  order of these words . This practice is  good at being evaluated  the learning process of students. In that , there is a teacher oriented classroom atmosphere.
      Although  there are presentation stage and practice stage , the lesson is lack of  production stage since the teacher focused on  TEOG  exam and didnt let the students use their creativity in producing
new sentences.
      As for feedback which means  a type of  relationship between stimulus and reaction .Feedback is absolutely  crucial ,it can be  defined as positive reinforcement  and negative reinforcement .It has various methods like addition , repitition , explanation , emphasizing and advice . Our mentor used
emphasizing , asking question ,addition , explanation  and  advice .Sometimes there is  response to  teacher's feedback  and sometimes there is silence in the classroom .The teacher followed the learning process  of students by giving immediate feedback .
       To summarize  our report , we infer from the observation  that the preparation  of these stages  before the lesson make the lesson planned  and organised. Moreover , giving feedback  and practices are very important  for managing learning process  in the lesoon .This observation of lesson  became a pathfinder.

16 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

Observation Report- 2 Abubakar & Füsun

WEEK 3 & 4

Students’ Teachers Name: Abubakar Suleiman & Füsun Çeliker
Student Teachers’ Number: 2012177150/ 2012177030
School Name: Celalettin Seyhan Primary School
Supervisor: Yonca Özkan
Mentor: Mrs. Özel Vuran

In our third and fourth week of this semester, we have observed two classes which have lasted for eight hours consecutively as how it is instructed, and below are our necessary priorities of our observation in an ascending order.
1.      Pre-Presentation
2.     While-Practice
3.     Post-Production
Under the above mentioned we are also responsible for examine each and every routine and the reasons or purposes behind that very activity. Below we are going to see each and every activity performed by our mentor and there's what's on behind it.

Task 1
Beginning of the lesson: The lesson we observed, started by a short daily greeting as usual as in ''Good morning teacher!'', ''I am fine, thanks.'', ''What about you?'' followed by a joke made by the teacher to students.

Reason: Greeting is almost compulsory to exist between the teacher and the students, but the most important thing is to born in mind is engaging the students right away and catching their attention at the beginning of the lesson. But not every teacher realised that. So also our mentor made some jokes for the main purpose of receiving the students hundred percent attention, so that there shouldn’t be any disconnection during the lesson delivery.

Consolidation/revision: After the teacher captured everyone's attention, she continued with revising what they have covered in their previous lesson which is friendship, as follows.

T: Try to remember what we did last week.
(At this point, there was a total silent of the students. No student has said a word, and the teacher insisted again.)
T: Geçen hafta ne yaptık diyorum? Hatırlayınız.
S1: Hocam şey yaptık... Friendship?
T: I am not talking about the topic, en son ne yaptık friendship ile alakalı? (After that the students started to remember and gave the right answer to the teacher.)

Reason: In order to make sure the students comprehend what the teacher have taught them previously and re-inculture it again and again, so that the students find it difficult to forget.

Schemas connection : After undergoing the stage of revision, the teacher try as much as possible to see how much the students know about the new topic ‘’ Cooking’’  as in words related to cooking and how to cook fish, chicken, potatoes, etc.

Reason : For the main purpose of knowing how much the students know about the topic, and what is misssing so as to fix it.

While Practice
Explaination of different cooking kinds: At this stage the teacher made an obvious explaination different cooking style, for instance baking, boiling, roasting, steaming, grilling, frying effectively, and sometimes used while cooking like cut, slice, peel, chop, spread, dice ets, and cohesive devices as in after, before, then and so on and so forth.

Question : After explaining different kind of cooking, so many questions were asked by the teacher as in referencial, display, and procedural. The teacher asked the students individually about how do they cook for example eggs, Turkish rice, bread, macaroni, potatoes, etc. She described processes how to make a french toast, how to make Turkish pilav.

Reason : For checking understanding and to notice how much do they comprehend about a particular sort of cooking.

Matching activities : Lots of matching activities were given by the teacher for another method of checking understanding from the coursebook or the students’ book. For example, ''Read about how to make a vegetable pizza. Match the steps with the photo or look at the photos of how to make a bread. Read the recipe. Guess the meaning of the words.'' etc. 

Calling register: After the teacher kept the students busy with matching activities then she started to call the attendence.

Reason : In order to make sure everyone have attended that the lesson and to find out who's the absentee. The teacher callled attendence at that material time so as to take a break and regain her power of speech back.

Post- Production
Summary: At this point, the teacher wrote some written summary of the lesson ‘’ Cooking’’ on the board and later on asked the students to make an oral summary of what they have learned so far, since from the beginning of the lesson without looking at their books. Many of the students responded to the teacher whereas few of them responded by looking at the course book.

Homework : Eventually, before the class was dismissed, the homework were given with the details of how to do it.