22 Kasım 2015 Pazar

Week 5-6


Student Teacher: Aslıhan ANAPAL-Büşra GÜNGÖR-Halil AYBAR



Lesson: English

Number of student:25

Report 3

Class management is one of the most important factors that affect to the learning in the classroom.It has the largest effect on student achievement.If the teacher manages to the class effectively,she/he elininates the obstacle that accects the learning negatively.The teacher and student relationship also is the key stone for  the aspect of classroom management in order to have high-quality relationship with the students and fewer discipline problems.we analyzed how the teacher managed the class and which factors she used to control the class.

The beginning:
This week,the teacher talked with the students when she came to the class and then started the lesson.She did not remind previous lesson before she started  a new lesson.Generally,she starts the lesson by asking questions to draw students’ attention.She uses warm-up session to improve their interest..She invites them to participate to the lesson.Before the teacher starts the first activity,she gives them simple and clear instruction.The teacher gets bored with some distractions during the lesson because all distractions happens in the class affect the flow up the lesson and hinders the learning process and she therefore tries to prevent them and warns the students.

Knowing students name is very important to increases self esteem.Our teacher is quite poor she doesn’t know most of students’names.She mostly uses instructions in the target language to make the activity clear.If the students do not understand,she tries to explain by using action.Other important thing is eye contact.It is a signal to “I am listening to you”.She tries to make eye contact and gives them feedback to make communication effectively.It is so important to gives the students a sense of awareness and security.But some students are so indifferent,they  sits the back of  the class.Sometimes,the teacher is not awere of all corners of the class.
If a problem arises:
The teacher acts quickly if there is a serious problem.She can easily solve it because she is a quite experienced teacher.She gives the students chance to solve any problem and tries to help them to overcome negative situations.She also listens her students.She focuses on both the  act and the students.If the students misbehaves,she warns them but not strictly.

End of lesson:
The students have enought time to pack up before the lesson end is signaled.The teacher is always tidy.She control the board.She tries to make class quiet and orderly before dismissal.She gives important to make class quiet. So, she warns them repeatedly to be silent.
Pair and group work are very important to learn second language in the clasroom.We do not the language to think to ourselves in a foreign language.We learn it how to communicate and      with others. Students need to learn how to communicate with other individual. Therefore, teachers provide such communication within pair and group work.They are very important factors in the classroom because they built community. They bring the students together and the students work in pair or group.Teachers want students to collaborate,to support and scaffold each other.Pair and group work encourage them to solve problems and to  share and exchance their ideas and opinion with each other.Pair and group work also greatly increase the speaking time of students,give the students more changes to speak English in the classroom.Moreover,the role of teacher in pair/group work is very important.Teacher should be facilitator who guides the students.Teacher makes plan and create an atmosphere where students work in groups.They inspires students to do well their work.
However,when we observe the lesson in terms of pair and group work,the teacher does not do any pair and group work.Sometimes she only do some activities including dialogues but they are not productive activities.The students just read them in a straight way .
As a conclusion ,the teacher should give the importance of pair and group work in the second language classrooms.Also,she should  prepares different tasks which the students can work together and create an environment to share their ideas and feelings with each other because pair and group work let the students work at tasks designed for their ability,rather than participate in a whole-class lesson.And also,they encourages co-operation,provide the student more oppartunities to work together and share their opinions with each other easily.

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