7 Kasım 2015 Cumartesi

Report 2 WEEK 3-4 THE LESSON

Student Teacher: Fatma GÜNGÖR, Melis GENÇ
Class: Second graders
Date: 22.10.2015 - 05.11.2015
Subject: Friends

In this week, we were supposed to observe about what teacher did in class during presentation, practice and production part. Firstly she started to the lesson by greeting and then she checked the students’ homework and she tried to help them to make their mistakes correct. After that, the teacher did some activities related to the last lessons by using flashcards. She did revision to activate their background knowledge (schemata), also made a connection between new and old knowledge. Here, while she asked about flashcards which is related to the last lesson, she used the target language like what is this? What do you say? . She asked and waited  for the students’ answers. If they couldn’t pronounce the words, she repeated the words again(market, good morning, etc…)

While presenting the new topic, she wrote down some vocabularies on the board which the students were expected to learn. She repeated them and the students were expected to repeat after her. Actually students were so naughty and they made noisy. So teacher had some difficulties to say loudly the vocabularies. Because they all couldn’t hear her voice.  Nevertheless, she kept on her lesson and tried to help the students to learn the pronunciation in a best way.
   In the production part, she did some activities from the book and checked them. Again she revised the lesson they just learned. and she played games with the students to keep the vocabularies in their minds better. The students had fun. Because they wanted to play game instead of learning something about English. She gave their homework for the next week.

To sum up teacher used only the coursebook and did a few enjoyable activities. She didn’t make any different activities like drama, puppets, singing song or listening to music. Generally students are learning but they don’t expose the language so much.


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