8 Kasım 2015 Pazar

Report 2 - Hilal Cemre Altıparmak / Ozan Berk

 Report 2

Hilal Cemre ALTIPARMAK - Ozan Berk
Week 3&4
School: Celaleattin Sayhan Primary School
Class: 4/D - 4/E


Task 1

In this week we observed what teacher did during presentation, practice, production parts of the lesson. Lesson was about numbers

The teacher first started lesson with simple greetings. After that, she asked students if anyone knew how to count numbers in English from 1 to 100. Few students raised fingers to show they already know how to do it.  Upon hearing the answer she said that they should have been learned how to count from 1 to 20 previous year but she said that she’ll start from the start nonetheless. After finished her questions she wrote numbers on the board and she read them aloud several times. This concluded presentation part.

During practice part she made students write down numbers to their notebooks. After that they read the numbers aloud several times. She showed students how numbers work. She said that in order to write fifty one, they need to combine “fifty” and “one”. After that they did some exercises in which teacher wrote down a number, as example “30” and students wrote it in English, like “thirty”.
In production part students did some exercises from the book. There were some doors which have numbers on it and they needed to match the numbers with English words that represents the numbers. She also gave homework about numbers.

Task 2

In this week teacher started lesson with an exercise about numbers. And then she started a new topic which is about nationalities.

Firstly, she asked students “What does the earth mean?”. After she explained it to the students in Turkish, she asked them “What is a continent?”, “What is a country?”, “What is a city” and “What does nationality mean” in that order and explained them in Turkish while showing them a world map. She and students had a small discussion about that and this concluded presentation part.

After that, she wanted students to look at their books. There was a world map and they were to find out which color represented which continent. As an example she showed the blue part of the map and asked which continent it is and she said “The blue one is Asia”. After that she asked what Europe means and the students replied “It is Avrupa” in Turkish. This discussion went on for some time as she further explained topic to the students. And then she wrote the countries and the nationalities which belong to related countries. After she finished writing them she read them aloud and the students repeated after her altogether.

In the production part she gave homework from their supplementary book and it concluded the production part.

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