8 Kasım 2015 Pazar



Week 3 and 4
Clases:  second grade
Unit 2 / friends

Week 3
             At the begining of the lesson, the teacher makes the repetition of the previous lesson in 5 minutes.  For the presentation stage, the teacher tells the words pointing  their pictures on the book and the students repeat after him. Then he writes the words on the board and wants the student to read them. Here the teacher aims to associate the words with their visuals so that the student understand better. Also they learn the difference between the words’ spelling and pronunciation during  the teacher’s repetition.
In the practice stage, the teacher makes them do the matching activity.They match the words with pictures. After checking their doings, the teacher shows the correct one on the book. The teacher expects them to bear in their minds  with their images. As at this age, they cant keep the abstract concepts in their mind, concretization  is easier for them to remember.  When they try to recall, what they do is bring up the images they learn. So, they don’t have difficulties about remembering.
        The other activity is trace and color.  Firstly they color the pictures above the words. Then they trace the words which is uncompleted. After it is completed, the teacher check what they do and repeat. In this way they reinforce what they learn writing once more. 
        The post part involves drawing picture and homework. The teacher wants them to draw their pictures  on their drawing book choosing 5  words from the book  and paint them  Here the student feel themselves more independent compared to the first activities. So, they use  their creativity. Also it is colorful and enjoyable for young learners. They both learn and get pleasure.
 The teacher ends up the lesson giving them homework at the post stage.he tells them which pages numbers will be done. They includes matching,tracing and drawing. Thus, they have opportunity to repeat everything they learn in a day and also try to perform their duty without getting teacher’s support.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher  tells the words one by one and  wants  students to repeat after him. Students get up and read the words on the board. By the way he shows the words (market,lemon ,melon..) with their pictures on the book and he tells them to read by their own silently.He also emphasizes the capital of M.  The teacher expects them both to associate the words and pictures  and comprehend how is written  and pronunciation of the words.
While : The activity of this stage is listen and say.There is a dialogue which is about a group of friend. They have speech balloons above the image of friends who  greet and introduce themselves to eachother. The teacher vocalises the dialogue and make the students  repeat. He lets them have pairs and study on their own for a while and makes them perform it on the board. The activity is useful for their social improvement and it decreases their shyness problems and so it is enjoyable. They learn by experiencing. The teacher teach them by regarding to kinesthetic  strategy and  so  they are motivated and feel more comfortable.
The second activity is matching. There are speech balloons  of two people. They match the speech balloon with right person.Then they react on the board. Here they learn how to make sentence to communicate rather than learn words. In this way they pass another level expressing themselves in english .
Post : They have a game for this stage. The teacher  calls one of the students on the board and wants him to turn back to his friends . The teacher  whispers one sentence about the dialogue they learn to one of his students’ ear. And then another student repeats  loudly what he heard. The teacher expects the student on the board to know who is the person telling the sentence. He has three chances to find the right one. This activity is the most enjoyable one among the others. It increases their attention and making guess in participating the lesson is quite incentive for them. 
At last, the teacher gives homework. He tells students to make a dialogue with your family members.

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