19 Aralık 2015 Cumartesi

Observation Report 4 (7& 8 Weeks) Abubakar Suleiman & Füsun Çeliker

Observation Report 4 (7& 8 Weeks)

 Abubakar Suleiman - 2012177150

Füsun Çeliker- 2012177030
4N3- English Language Teaching
2015/2016- Fall Season
Celalettin Sayhan Primary School
Özel Vuran, Yonca Özkan

Classroom context and language tasks

Task 1
In this section, we observe lessons and bear in mind the following questions:
1.      What is there about the classroom?
2.      The activities
3.      The students
4.      What aspect of the lesson might hinder learning?


The Classroom
Taking the classroom atmosphere into consideration, there are both positive and negative factors. For this instance, as we have witnessed the classroom is very large and comfortable toward the development of the students learning. There are enough desk and chairs in a very good queue as how its aspected. However, whether of the class was moderate, that is to say it’s not cold and it’s not too hot. In addition to that, the class is decorated with some posters and realias on the wall.
Whereas for the negative factors, there was too much making noise made by the students (low classroom management by the teacher) and it’s scattered with papers and other unwanted material due to absent of dustbin in the classroom.

The activities
There was enough and very organised activies in each and every single lesson we have observed. Mostly  the teacher prefers giving less group activities and more of matching, ordering and filling in the blank space. Sometimes, after presentation of one topic, a group activity is provided, for instance group of four students set and each and every group contribute as in debate. Nevertheless, matching activity, ordering and filling in the blank space play a very gigantic roles for the main purpose of correcting students errors.

The students
Almost all the students are eager and willing to participate in every activity and there are competition between the students that influence the speed of learning. Moreover, the students are noisemakers and enjoying teasing each other while the presentation of the lesson is moving on. Though the teacher used to draw their attention by directly pointing the noisemaker and tell him/her to stop it. Sometimes while in the group actvities, the teacher used to knock at the blackboard with boardmarkers, as to let the students concentrate and participate actively.

Factors that hinder learning
During pre-presentation and post-presentation, there wasn’t a lot to say about the factors that influence the lesson flow but during practice part or task giving as in matching activities, ordering activies and filling in the blank space, there was a lot of consumption of time by which contibuted to the depriving in learning.

Task 2

Accuracy & fluency oriented
Mostly all the lesson put emphasis on accuracy rather than the fluency. Most of the activities are based on mechanical accuracy. For instance, matching activities, ordering and filling in the blanks are what the teacher and the students concentrated on. There was an absent of real life communication between the students- students and very little students-teacher interraction. The communication exited only when the students ask a specific question and definitely in Turkish or when the teacher ask question and there response certainly will be in Turkish, too.We eventually come to suggest that this is the main reason that deprived Turkish students from speaking English language fluently due to the inadequate of fluency background. So, if we are giving a chance to teach, we prefer fifty-fifty strategy that is to say half fluency and half accuracy because the main reason behind learning a language is to communicate fluently.

Abubakar Suleiman /2012177150
                                                                                                              Füsun Çeliker /2012177030

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