21 Aralık 2015 Pazartesi

                                         SCHOOL  EXPERIENCE  REPORT
                                                WEEK 7-8
  TASK  1
  For  these two weeks we were supposed to observe the  aspects  in the classroom environment that helps to create conditions for effective learning and the aspects that might hinder learning.
     There were many aspects that affect the students’ learning . One of them was the classroom atmosphere. Classroom was big enough and very colorful , the walls were full of posters and pictures that helps to students to learn some difficult words or  structures. Also the students’  works were displayed on the walls and that motivated them to do their homework in a best way and learn more. But the classroom was so crowded and that affected negatively the students’ learning . Because teacher didn’t have enough time for dealing with each student.
   The activities were suitable for their level and age in general. But while doing activity teacher used some drills most of the time so they just repeated what teacher says and that  kills their creativity .Teacher used only the  course book as a source  so the activities were so limited. And the book was so motivating  and colorful  and full of  funny activities for example this week  students did their own masks and used them for role playing. So that helped them to learn by doing and gave them to opportunity to use language communicatively. So that kind of activities help students  for effective learning but as we said before they were very limited. Also the games had a positive effect on students learning . Generally at the end of the lesson they played games by  using flashcards or  using very simple language like ‘ sit dawn, stand up’ And even these simple games helped them to learn something because they were so willing to be active and to talk.
  TASK 2
For the second task, we are supposed to observe whether the activities in a lesson are oriented towards fluency or accuracy.
In our class, teacher made some activities and most of them are spoken and fluency  oriented. She generally focuses on fluency  in 2.grade students.So she uses repeat after me activities mostly. She writes the words about the unit ans she wants students to repeat the words until students say the word fluently.
The other activities teacher used are role play,guessing(flashcards) and matching activities. She does not use this activities in a balanced way. But actually this is a good point.Because second grade students are expected to speak only. They are not wanted to write during the class. For this,teacher use the spoken activities generally.
When it comes to accuracy activities,they are not interesting enough to take yhe students attention. They are not motivating students. Also, students do not have enought time to think about formcause they just focuses on fluency. The important thing is ‘How to say the words’for them. For fluency activities we can say that,they simulate real life language. They do role play activities and these take a short time.This motivates students and they all try to do activity because they are close to lanhuage,they learned some sentences about it at the beginning of term,so they know it and want to use ıt.
                                                                                               Ayşe UYSAL

                                                                                            Eda Merva ŞAN

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